Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Don't let the Media tell you what to think

Media News or Inductions?

This week we have seen the Television News both Network and Cable Demonize international leaders Mahmoud Ahmadinjad, Hugo Chavez and our own Bill Clinton.
The Media has been doing a job on Mahmoud for a while trying to picture him as a nutty leader of Iran who refuses to give in to western pressure to give up Iran’s Nuclear program. This week at the UN in New York he made a great speech in which he came out against the Western Powers control of the UN though the Veto. Usually the American people can not hear full speeches, but are only told what is said though the Media the way they want you to hear it. So they had to demonize him in some way and they came up with an old speech of his where he is said (by the Media) to have denied the Holocaust, but really said that more than Jews died in World War two and that the Arabs had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but are being punished for it.
Now Hugo Chavez also made a speech to the UN in New York this week in which he started out with a joke about Bush being the devil, but the rest of the speech was about the corporations exploration of the People of South America and now he is trying to improve the lives of his people. Hugo also made a speech in a church in Harlem where he increased the Fuel discount three times to poor Americans. The only thing the American people would hear from the Media was the first few minutes of his UN Speech in which he made his joke about Bush unless they turned to C-span and heard the full speech. Some politicians really said only American citizens can criticize the president confusing President with King we do not have Royal Citizens in this country.
Bill Clinton made the big mistake of giving the Foxy news network an interview. It was to be about his Global Program to give billions of dollars help feed the people of the world, stop Global Warming, give Medical care to areas that need it and more that I can’t remember. The Foxy Newsman sandbagged him with a fake question asking him why he let 9/11 happen, he of course got mad, but kept his cool and give it right back to the Foxy “News” reporter. The only News that reported it right that I saw was NBC News.
People should not let someone on television or newspaper form your opinion about world leaders hear them out then form your opinion.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Freedom of Religion

The first Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the United States of America states:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibition the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of Grievances.”
Later counts have used this for the establishment of the wall of separation between church and state this was never meant to protect the state from religion, but religion from itself. The framers of the constitution had seen what happens when one religion becomes dominate in both the Puritans in Massachusetts and the Anglicans in Virginia (Jamestown). Especially the Puritans who burned people at the stake if the didn’t believe the same as they did. The main ones who fought for freedom of religion were James Madison and Thomas Jefferson along with John Adams and Ben Franklin, Madison wrote “Whilst we assert for ourselves a freedom to embrace, to profess and observe the religion which we believe to be divine origin, we cannot deny an equal freedom to those whose minds have not yet yielded to the evidence which has convinced you.”
They saw the use of the word God by the Government as a “Public God” which could mean a divine God in heaven or just the human spirit that moves humankind forward whatever your personal believes are it was meant to mean all things to all people. They did not live in the fancy world that school history books put them in, but the real world in which they knew there would always be those that would try to make their religion the dominate one in the nation that is why the first amendment.
There are those today that are trying to make this a Christian America, put their prays in public schools, to make all student learn Science the way their Bible says there by making their religion the dominate one. Thank God there are groups like the ACLU that fights for our freedom of religion and other right given to us by the Constitution.
Note: some idea and saying from the American Gospel by Jon Meacham. You can find out a lot more on this subject by reading this book.