Saturday, February 20, 2010

Futile Gestures

A Texas man flies his plane into a Office building where the US Government’s IRS has offices, Senator bails out because the US Senate is a “Dysfunctional System”, Obama talking to Republicans all these have one thing in common they are all Futile Gestures and I know something about Futile Gestures I like hundreds of millions of people around the world in 2002-2003 protested going to war and killing even more people, you can see where that got us. It is hard to feel sorry for a Texas man with Tax troubles the fact he own a plane means he was better off than most people in this world. Lucky he did kill anybody except himself, as for the IRS he might have made the one office’s work a little harder and he got his 15 minutes of fame too bad he can’t enjoy it. Then there was Evan Bayh Quit the senate instead of staying to try to make it work better, from what I read he seems not to have a very good record in the Senate anyway, not everyone is cut out to be a Legislator so Evan don’t let the door hit you on your way out. It hasn’t matter how much Obama gives in to the Republicans they will stonewall him every time. We need to change our system of government from a Republic to the parliamentary System it is not perfect, but it might work better than what we got.