Friday, June 06, 2008

The McCain Ad

McCain Ad

A new McCain ad that says we should be sorry for him because he was a prisoner of War in Vietnam so we should elect him our president. He says he hates war and loves peace that is why he wants to keep the Iraq oil war going for another hundred years. We are suppose to believe that we are now “winning” as if war was like a sporting event where one side wins and the other loses, but in actually reality both sides always loses in both lives and money. We can not afford to be the world’s policeman any longer. We have lost too many poor young people who have sir come to false patriotism or the College trap only to die a “hero”. Now McCain went off to war in ‘Vietnam for the same reasons only he thought that joining the Air force was a safer way than to crawling through the jungle with the workingman’s sons, but he got himself shot down and then captured by people that only wanted to be free of foreigners like him.

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