Sunday, February 01, 2009

Meet the Press 2-1-2009

Meet the press had a round table discussion with all pro-Banking people; there was Steve Forbes, Mark Zandi, and Erin Burnett. No one representing the middle class working person or even small businesses which are generally called “Main Street”, YES Erin there is a Main Street the world does not begin and end with Wall Street. Workers are asked to cut their pay to a quarter of what it once was, but Bankers can get a hundred Million dollars for making the bank one million or in a lot of cases losing the bank money. If the workers have to cut their standard of living so should the bankers. Building low income housing for people with bad mortgages would be a good start. If the Tax payer is going the pay for the loans anyway why do we need a middle man if the Government loans the money to small businesses they will start hiring again and we can get started rebuilding America all of it not just Wall Street

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