Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama vs. McCain first Debate

The talking heads Seem to think has long has McCain keeps talking without Pausing that is all he had to do to win the debate. One of the main things that came across to me was that McCain is more pro war than Obama, McCain seems hell bent on going to war with Iran. You would think a man who suffered as a POW after getting himself shot down over North Vietnam would not want others to suffer the same way, but he comes from a military family and that is where his mind set is with the military. Obama seems to give in to the Military complex to much too, but says he is willing to talk to nations like Iran that have a different way of looking at the world than us. Obama’s family history is different than McCain’s so may give him a better view of the customs of the people in different parts of the world and an appreciation of those differences.
McCain also seem more pro business at the expense of the middle and working classes. It was Obama that talked about cutting taxes, relief for people about to lose their homes, and creating jobs here in America instead of shipping jobs overseas. McCain is for the trickle down theory only the money is trickling on China and India with very little on the American workers.
Looking at the decisions that both candidates have made so far McCain picked Sarah Palin to help him push his programs through Congress and Obama picked Joe Biden to help him push his programs. J.F.K picked L.B.J who put the 1964 civil rights laws and the 1965 voting rights laws through Congress so picking the right Vice President is more important than people seem to

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Taxpayers getting their Moneys worth

I heard President Clinton on the Daily Show (Wednesday 9/24/2008) talking about the 700 billon dollar “bailout” and what he said made sense, that in exchange for buying a company’s bad mortgage debts the Government should either charge interest on the money loaned to the company or get part of the profits of the company with the money going to pay for Health care for all Americans, Education, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure plus tax brakes. It seems to me this might be a win/win system. The companies hid themselves of their bad debts and the Taxpayer’s get something back on the money for once. A system can be set up to help people having trouble paying the mortgage and might lose their homes. If our representatives don’t get bogged down with fear words we might come out of this better than we went in.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Paulson Plan

I don't think I understand this plan at all, I think the Government meaning the American Taxpayer will buy all the debt from large Corporations that no one else would even touch there by freeing up money to ship more jobs out of the country, but has it been decided that the plan will pay .40 on the dollar or will they pay the whole dollar and the taxpayer will be the big loser? Another question is how are we going the pay for all the bail outs plus the war debt. America has better start cutting the fat military budget and let some companies fail. We can not avoid all the pain and save the patient.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Globalize Labor

Corporations have become globalized so they can play one group of workers against another. They would threaten countries if they don’t lower their safety standards and the workers lowered their wages or they will go to another country that will. I heard one story where a woman in Bangladesh formed a union of her colleagues to get one penny more per shirt that she made in a sweat shop so that she could give her children meat with their rice, it shouldn’t have made the shirts more than a penny more, but Wal-Mart told them that they would pay 2 cents less per shirt or Wal-Mart would take their business to another country. This is the kind of distortion they play on the workers of the world.
It is time for the workers of the world to Globalize and strike for safely Standards and living wages. First workers must be able to commutate, to this end laptops should be giving to poor workers with training on how to use them. If workers can commutate they will learn that they have some of the same goals, and then they can take action to obtain them. It will take time, but it will be worth it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Socialism and Democracy

Socialism and Democracy

Any time a Politician or anyone else talks about being fairer to the Middle, Working or poor Classes in the United States of America they are called Socialist. Any program that helps the lower classes is shot down just by calling is a Socialist idea. This is just another way that the Global Corporations Control the people working for cheap wages there by adding to their wealth. It is an old story to be sure they know that with fear and Propaganda they can control the people. Socialism, Labor Unions, Free Public Schools, Social Security, Medicare and Universal Health care are all bad and must be feared. They use the Christian Religion to promote the totalitarian programs that control the people, but keep them free to do what they want. The ideas that Jesus teaches us are Socialist principles that is why the “Christian Right” fights for the Old Testament and not the New Testament. The Corporations use Religion, race, ethic background and Political parties to divide the people into little groups that will not be a threat to them. I also have a fear that it is only when it is too late that the people will unite against their suppressers.
When I was in Italy one of my fellow tourist said that “the Italians will never have a stable Government because too many different factions trying to have their say” I told him that is what they call democracy. He is use to the phony democracy we have in the United States. Where we have “Two Parties” that have similar views both the right of center having destroyed any affective Left wing parties in the 1950’s when they call anyone with what they thought were left leaning ideas a Communist and jailed or black listed them. There is no such thing a liberal that was a word dreamed up by Social Conservatives to call something they don’t like. Progressives who are in the Center are the only ones that keep this Country going toward the right track.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Who should Vote?

When the American forefather’s were debating not only what type of Government they wanted, but who in the future should decide who their representatives in government should be. Now in their time the late 18th early 19th centuries only the Upper and Middle Class were educated. (Not to be confused with what is considered Middle class today, then it meant someone who owned Property or ran their own business, if you worked for someone else you were Working Class) there was no need to educate working class until the industrialization of the 19th Century caused the need for educated workers. The American forefather’s want only informed voters and feared that uneducated voters would be too easily influenced by others to vote against their interest. Those fears may have been well founded up to now, but with the advent of the internet where anyone can go up on a candidate’s Web site and find out where he or she stands on the issues there is now no good reason to vote for a person because of what they are, but what they stand for. So don’t vote for Obama because he is black or Biden because he is the smartest and most qualified, McCain because he was a POW or Palin because she is a woman.

For more information on the issues see Obama’s web site and McCain web site

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Vote for the Issues

Vote for Issues not celebrities

Sarah Palin’s speech to the Republican Convention was filled with slogans and ambiguities meant to inspire McCain’s Conservative base. Palin says McCain wants Victory in Iraq and Obama never says the word when talking about Iraq. Funny thing is that is one of the things I like about Obama he knows that “War” is not a Hockey game. There are no winners just Losers, one side loses less than the other, but they are both losers. She says she saved the people of Alaska a half a billon dollars in programs, but never says what programs she cut and what the cut cost the people of Alaska in Health Care or Education were they good or bad cuts we don’t know and she is not saying.
McCain picked Palin to get the Conservative and Women’s vote and that she might do for the Conservative only want to the same old tired slogans like the Democrats will raise your taxes, Lose the war game in Iraq, we will drill because the “Liberals” don’t like that. It is funny that Palin and her husband want to drill since they have worked in the oil companies in Alaska. Women who vote for McCain/Palin just because Palin is a Woman are insulting their sex.
Taxes; Obama says he wants to Cut taxes for the Working class people and drop the Bush Cut for the top one percent, Seniors will “Not” pay income tax for incomes under $50,000.00 If he cut back on Money give-aways to Iraq and Georgia that we can not afford. McCain want to cut the taxes of the Corporate and Oil Companies putting the taxes weight on the Middle and Working Classes.
Health Care; Obama will bring us closer to the rest of the world by Health care affordable to all. McCain has no real Health Care program.
Education; Obama want to make a college education available and affordable to all. McCain of giving out money according to Income for private schools meaning that the rich get a best education as happens now, the Middle Class get a education not as good as the rich, but better than the Working Class, the working Class get a education not as good as the Middle Class, but better than the Poor Class.
For more information on the issues see Obama’s web site and McCain web site