Sunday, September 14, 2008

Socialism and Democracy

Socialism and Democracy

Any time a Politician or anyone else talks about being fairer to the Middle, Working or poor Classes in the United States of America they are called Socialist. Any program that helps the lower classes is shot down just by calling is a Socialist idea. This is just another way that the Global Corporations Control the people working for cheap wages there by adding to their wealth. It is an old story to be sure they know that with fear and Propaganda they can control the people. Socialism, Labor Unions, Free Public Schools, Social Security, Medicare and Universal Health care are all bad and must be feared. They use the Christian Religion to promote the totalitarian programs that control the people, but keep them free to do what they want. The ideas that Jesus teaches us are Socialist principles that is why the “Christian Right” fights for the Old Testament and not the New Testament. The Corporations use Religion, race, ethic background and Political parties to divide the people into little groups that will not be a threat to them. I also have a fear that it is only when it is too late that the people will unite against their suppressers.
When I was in Italy one of my fellow tourist said that “the Italians will never have a stable Government because too many different factions trying to have their say” I told him that is what they call democracy. He is use to the phony democracy we have in the United States. Where we have “Two Parties” that have similar views both the right of center having destroyed any affective Left wing parties in the 1950’s when they call anyone with what they thought were left leaning ideas a Communist and jailed or black listed them. There is no such thing a liberal that was a word dreamed up by Social Conservatives to call something they don’t like. Progressives who are in the Center are the only ones that keep this Country going toward the right track.

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