Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama vs. McCain first Debate

The talking heads Seem to think has long has McCain keeps talking without Pausing that is all he had to do to win the debate. One of the main things that came across to me was that McCain is more pro war than Obama, McCain seems hell bent on going to war with Iran. You would think a man who suffered as a POW after getting himself shot down over North Vietnam would not want others to suffer the same way, but he comes from a military family and that is where his mind set is with the military. Obama seems to give in to the Military complex to much too, but says he is willing to talk to nations like Iran that have a different way of looking at the world than us. Obama’s family history is different than McCain’s so may give him a better view of the customs of the people in different parts of the world and an appreciation of those differences.
McCain also seem more pro business at the expense of the middle and working classes. It was Obama that talked about cutting taxes, relief for people about to lose their homes, and creating jobs here in America instead of shipping jobs overseas. McCain is for the trickle down theory only the money is trickling on China and India with very little on the American workers.
Looking at the decisions that both candidates have made so far McCain picked Sarah Palin to help him push his programs through Congress and Obama picked Joe Biden to help him push his programs. J.F.K picked L.B.J who put the 1964 civil rights laws and the 1965 voting rights laws through Congress so picking the right Vice President is more important than people seem to

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