This year 2009 started out with a lot of hope with the election of our first African-American President, of who I have to say that I had my doubts I supported Hillary Clinton thinking she as well as John Edwards were more for Universal Health Care than Obama. Obama even then seem to be for too much compromise, I think the Obama took the saying “Politics is the art of compromise” too much to heart. The first issue that came up was what was called “Tarp” a 700 billion dollar bail out of the economy. So right from the start the bill had 40% Tax Cuts because the Republicans want only more tax cuts for the rich who they say will invest it in creating American Jobs, even though they same rich people spent the last decade investing the money in Chinese jobs. A lot of the rest went to Bailing out Wall Street with very little going to rebuilding the Electric grid, Transportation system, and renewable emerge which would put American to work doing jobs that needs to be done.
Then there was the Health Care Bill, Now do you think they started with Universal Health Care with a single payer system which would not only cover all Americans, but relieve businesses of having to providing health benefits to their employees there by again providing American jobs. I don’t think that Obama was ever really for Universal Health care so he and the Democrats start with a Compromised Health Care bill with a watered down “Public Option” instead. The only reason they even had that into in the bill was to play the Progressives along, they always intended to pull it out at the last moment.
The Stock Market recovered from 2008 somewhat, but had it’s up and down ending up around 10,000. What with Wall Market investors reacting to every rumor proving once again that Wall Street investors don’t know any more than anyone else. When Tiger Wood got into trouble the investors started to sell all the stocks of Companies he endorsed as if the only reason people buy their products is because Tiger Woods endorsed them.
America got more deeply drawn into Afghanistan while still occupying Iraq and eyeing Yemen and Iran there by keeping Military Complex going.
One good thing that happened in 2009 is that Yankees won the World Series
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