Friday, December 25, 2009

Government of the People

Whenever I comment on some issues with my mostly progressive opinions someone with a more Conservative view would give a list of “Government” failures like Social Security, Medicare, Postal Service and the latest one the Railroads usually stating that they don’t make money or are even losing money. I could and usually do answer how each is actually a success or more a corporate failure (which is the case with the Railroads). It came to me that people think of Government as some big corporate entity trying to run their lives, but just like buildings don’t make a church the People do, so it is the same with a Government, if we create a national community working together then our Government will be a success. Now of course government services needs to be within a budget that taxpayers can afford, but priorities have to be set to what serves the America people best. We should vote for Politicians who wants to serve the people and not a party or ideology, you can’t tell me that all Republicans think alike and just Democrats differ it is hard to believe there are so many narrow minded persons in Congress what are we thinking when we elect them I don’t know.
One thing I like about the history of working people is you can see how we improved generation by generation; a lot of this has to do with how we communicate with one another with the internet common people around the world can talk unfiltered. I believe we will grow into one global community with more understanding between people with different beliefs we will be more tolerant with no need for weapons.

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