Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sacrificing for Democracy

We are always unfortunately hearing about soldiers sacrificing their lives for Democracy and most people are proud of their sacrifice. Yet when it comes time for them to just change (Not Sacrifice) their lives they don't want to and even fight the change. Secretary of Defense Gates in his new budget wants to cut weapon systems designed to fight enemies that no longer exist and change to weapons for today's enemies. Now I think they should make even deeper cuts, but there are whose that want for us to continue to waste money on useless weapons because their state makes a lot of money off them which is what Eisenhower warned us about. Now they could try to change over to what they call now a Green industry, but they are against change even if it would help them and their nation. Where is their sacrifice for Democracy?

Talking about green industry there are people in the Coal and Oil industries that are trying to stop our democracy from moving on to Green energy like wind, solar and hydroelectric because their state (like West Virginia) main industry is mining and they are afraid to change over the wind farms with a little retraining they can make more money in a cleaner and safer industry, but they would have to change. Where is their sacrifice for Democracy?

The same people that want a larger than needed military budget are the same one that don't want to pay for it or even the medical care for the wounded soldiers coming home from the their war. A lot of people who complain about taxes complain most about the income tax, yet the income tax is the fairest of all the taxes people pay because it is based on your ability to pay. Yes! The rich and powerful get away with paying little or nothing at all, but that is because they write the laws and get away with paying little or nothing of any of the taxes. Where is their Sacrifice?

Brown Fat is it the Holy Grail?

We are always looking for a way to eat as much as we want and still have a healthy body. Well sciences may have found that we had it all along in our bodies in what they call Brown fat that burns calories instead of storing them. Scientists say Brown Fat is activated by cold rooms or by injecting epinephrine or adrenaline and ephedra an herbal supplement containing epinephrine can stimulate brown fat said Dr. Rubdolph Leibel, co-director of the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center. But as Dr Leibel says "It fits the fantasy – I eat what I want and burn it off however that fantasy is still far off". Just our luck born too early yet again.