Friday, October 13, 2006

What Military option?

North Korea, Bush’s Military option?

In his Rose Garden News Conference Bush laid out what he thought were his options.
One; bilateral talks with North Korea by the Bush administration which Bush says will not work because Kim Jong-Il has told “Lies” before.
Two; get other nations in the area that are in harms way like South Korea, Japan, Russia and especially China to pressure North Korea to give up their Nuclear Arms.
Three; The Military Option bomb and invade North Korea.
Now Bush being a wise man says he chooses option two, but he says option three is still on the table. The reporters let him get away with this and some seem to want him the bomb North Korea.
Well I am just a common old working man, but it seems to me that we couldn’t handle North Korea in the 1950’s when that was the only war we were fighting and we had the drift. Now with an Army of only people we can fool into joining and fighting two and a half wars it seems to me that Bush has no military option and in fact has only the option he so wisely chose.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Anne Greenwood Hunter dies at home in Scotland


Anne was born in Alva in 1944, daughter of Mary Greenwood sister of Jeanette.

Post war Scotland had little to offer but, Anne spent a lot of her childhood holidays with her Uncle Peter and Aunt Jes, along with her cousin Sheena. On leaving school
Anne worked in the Mills at Alva along with most of her friends.

In the year of 1960 love was found under the Ochil Hills, when a skinny young man moved in over the road from Anne. She soon became the wife of Donald Stuart McLean Hunter. Their love grew to the sounds of Cilla Black and Cliff Richards.

Anne and Stuart lived in Alva for the next 10 years where they had their first two children, Dorothy and Vivien

They left in the year of 1970 with another daughter in their arms, Valerie, and moved to Grangemouth as Stuart had a new job in the BP.

Anne looked after her three daughters and then along came her long awaited and adored son Stuart.

For Anne and Stuart their family was complete and they were over the moon with their four children, well for most of the time!!

Over the next years Anne worked as a cleaner and then moved to a small company making blinds, she made a few good friends during these years.

They stayed in Moray Place and they have indeed been living there for the last 36 years.

She made more good friends there, the Quinny’s and the Shaw’s to name but a few. The neighbours all had children and there were always groups of kids coming and going into all the neighbouring houses.

Every Sunday without fail Anne would attend Church with these neighbours and in the early years the children were ‘dragged along’ also, she was always trying to save their souls. She was also a Sunday School teacher for a number of years at the Dundas Church.

Over the next years Dorothy, Vivien, Valerie and Stuart grew up, married and of course along came the grandchildren, Scott, Steven, Kathyrn, Alasdair, Emma and finally little Millie.

Anne loved and adored all her grandchildren from the oldest to the youngest, her years were spend looking after them whilst their parents worked, helping them with their homework, playing games with them and of course wiping away their tears when they were ill or had hurt themselves.

When she got time off from the grand children, Anne loved her TV, loved to watch morning television seeing what other people were up to in their lives. And of course when the summer came Big Brother took up all of her time, when visitors came during this time they knew they would have a fight to get any other conversation from Anne other than what had been happening on Big Brother.

Anne never stopped worrying about all her children and grand children over the years, always making sure they were okay, and, of course, was always ‘praying for their souls’ every Sunday at Church. She was a very caring person and was there whenever she was needed.

Anne and Stuart had an amazing marriage and their love was solid for the full 45 years they had together.

This love was a great foundation for their family, who never strayed very far from the nest, and Stuart and the children have drawn great strength from it in the last week since Anne has passed away.

Anne was taken suddenly from the family and there is a now a huge hole in all of their lives. This will never be filled but it will slowly shrink with the love of family and friends.

One breath here, the next you were gone,
A saving grace is your pain was not long,
We hoped to have you for a good while yet,
The things we never said fill us with regret.

You taught us to love with perseverance,
Let us live our lives without interference,
We’re better people for having known you,
We have each other to pull us through.

You’ve earned your rest and a place above,
All things must die but never love,
We’ll only think of the happy times together,
Knowing you’ll be part of us forever.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Don't let the Media tell you what to think

Media News or Inductions?

This week we have seen the Television News both Network and Cable Demonize international leaders Mahmoud Ahmadinjad, Hugo Chavez and our own Bill Clinton.
The Media has been doing a job on Mahmoud for a while trying to picture him as a nutty leader of Iran who refuses to give in to western pressure to give up Iran’s Nuclear program. This week at the UN in New York he made a great speech in which he came out against the Western Powers control of the UN though the Veto. Usually the American people can not hear full speeches, but are only told what is said though the Media the way they want you to hear it. So they had to demonize him in some way and they came up with an old speech of his where he is said (by the Media) to have denied the Holocaust, but really said that more than Jews died in World War two and that the Arabs had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but are being punished for it.
Now Hugo Chavez also made a speech to the UN in New York this week in which he started out with a joke about Bush being the devil, but the rest of the speech was about the corporations exploration of the People of South America and now he is trying to improve the lives of his people. Hugo also made a speech in a church in Harlem where he increased the Fuel discount three times to poor Americans. The only thing the American people would hear from the Media was the first few minutes of his UN Speech in which he made his joke about Bush unless they turned to C-span and heard the full speech. Some politicians really said only American citizens can criticize the president confusing President with King we do not have Royal Citizens in this country.
Bill Clinton made the big mistake of giving the Foxy news network an interview. It was to be about his Global Program to give billions of dollars help feed the people of the world, stop Global Warming, give Medical care to areas that need it and more that I can’t remember. The Foxy Newsman sandbagged him with a fake question asking him why he let 9/11 happen, he of course got mad, but kept his cool and give it right back to the Foxy “News” reporter. The only News that reported it right that I saw was NBC News.
People should not let someone on television or newspaper form your opinion about world leaders hear them out then form your opinion.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Freedom of Religion

The first Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the United States of America states:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibition the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of Grievances.”
Later counts have used this for the establishment of the wall of separation between church and state this was never meant to protect the state from religion, but religion from itself. The framers of the constitution had seen what happens when one religion becomes dominate in both the Puritans in Massachusetts and the Anglicans in Virginia (Jamestown). Especially the Puritans who burned people at the stake if the didn’t believe the same as they did. The main ones who fought for freedom of religion were James Madison and Thomas Jefferson along with John Adams and Ben Franklin, Madison wrote “Whilst we assert for ourselves a freedom to embrace, to profess and observe the religion which we believe to be divine origin, we cannot deny an equal freedom to those whose minds have not yet yielded to the evidence which has convinced you.”
They saw the use of the word God by the Government as a “Public God” which could mean a divine God in heaven or just the human spirit that moves humankind forward whatever your personal believes are it was meant to mean all things to all people. They did not live in the fancy world that school history books put them in, but the real world in which they knew there would always be those that would try to make their religion the dominate one in the nation that is why the first amendment.
There are those today that are trying to make this a Christian America, put their prays in public schools, to make all student learn Science the way their Bible says there by making their religion the dominate one. Thank God there are groups like the ACLU that fights for our freedom of religion and other right given to us by the Constitution.
Note: some idea and saying from the American Gospel by Jon Meacham. You can find out a lot more on this subject by reading this book.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush "they just don't listen"

Bush’s News Conference

George W said people are not listening to him, but the real trouble is that he or anyone else in his gang is listening to themselves. When George W was asked about why America got into the Iraq War he said that first was the Weapons of Mass Destruction which we found out that he didn’t have any, but he thought in would be nice to have some. Bush being a religious man and thinking about sinning is just the same as doing it. Then came the classic Bush he said after all we have to remember the attack on the World Trade Center that killed 3,000 then the reporter ask what Saddam Hussein had to do with 9/11? Bush answered nothing! No one ever said they did which of course he just did and has done many time in the past three years as well as his VP as done also. So it seems that they don’t listen to themselves.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Terrorist Bomb Plot?

Terrorist Bomb Plot?

The world is in a panic over a Allege Bomb Plot to blow up from one to ten planes going from London to the USA or a least American’s and Brittan’s fear of terrorist is reinforced. This even if Scotland Yard or FBI have yet to find any Explosive of any type, the people arrested didn’t even have passports or tickets, what were they waiting for, but ho one of them called his brother in Pakistan how unusually. A couple of the arrested people made videos watch out all you U-Tube fans. I am sure the governments of UK and USA will come up with more which of course they can’t tell us about like Islamic Charities sending them money. How much money do you need for this plan it seem to be a low cost plan to me and why did so many people know about it? It seems like part of the plan was to be found out.
Public opinions in both America and Brittan is increasingly turning against the Middle East wars they needed something to reinforce public fear the British wanted to wait, but the American Government wanted the plot to break before the November election.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terror Alert there must be an Election coming.

Election = Orange Alert

Now I am just a common old working lad, but has anyone besides me noticed that when elections come nearer the terrorist alerts come more often. The last time we heard these color alerts was in 2004 about six months before the Presidential Election. The closer the election came the more often the Alerts they were coming weekly by the end of October. They even came up the film clip of Osama bin Laden just before the election. Osama bin Laden of course was in the employ of the CIA to fight against the Soviets in the 1980’s that is how he got his start. The art of fear Politics is hardly new, but Bush and his gang have brought it to a new level.
Using fear as to control the Masses is as old as the human race. It was use by many people though out history to gain and keep their hold on power. When America geared up for World War two Capitalist found that a lot of money was to be made in the defense industry if they just keep the public in fear of something. First it was Nazism, then Communism and now the best one of all Terrorism which they can keep on going forever if we let them. The next alert will be at the end of October

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What is a life worth?

When we listen to Israeli officials talk about the Lebanon’s civilian deaths they don’t seem to think Arab lives are worth much, certainly not as much as Israeli lives. The Israeli’s seem to think to destroy Hezbollah is to kill as many Arabs as possible. But it is human nature to value your national Citizens more than whose of other nations. What about the Arabs themselves the Hezbollah and other much groups came up with the suicide bomber that targets civilians, kills a loyal supporter of the Group and usually turns public opinion against them. The Hezbollah rockets seem to be more like World War two rockets that you just fire in the general direction of your target. When it runs out of fuel it comes down usually killing civilians.
It seems to me that both sides should have figured out by now that they can’t wipe out the other side and there for must come to some kind of an agreement. I am just a common old working lad, but I seems to me that they could come to that agreement before they started killing civilians most of who are children.
Then there are the young people that risk and sometimes give up their lives willingly sometimes for a lies told by their leaders. Just because these young people want to be heroes does not mean governments or any leader has a right to take their lives unless they tried everything else and there is no other way.

Ned Lamont's Primary Victory

Peace Movement Victory

The Democratic Primary victory of Ned Lamont was a victory over the mainstream media who pushed Joe Lieberman before and after the Primary. All the interviews were with Sen. Joe Lieberman and rarely mentioned Ned Lamont except as that Anti-War or leftist candidate and yet enough voters saw though that to vote for Ned Lamont. I am sure that the Mainstream Media will continue to do the same up to November.
There seems to be the view of the elite in this country to keep the view of both national parties the same to keep the working people from their fair share of the profits that they help to make. If a Political party says “it has a big tent that except both sides of issues” that mean one side is not going to be heard.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

When the Left is Right

When Left is Right

When most of the world talks of the extreme political Left they are talking about all people in Society being equal everyone having the same wealth and human rights. When they talk about the extreme Right they are talking about the individual actually meaning corporate right to rule society for the benefit of the elite Class. Now in America we certainly have the Right wing part, but since the 1950’s persecution of the Communist and even the Socialist who in our history have been responsible for many of the rights that us common working class people have today there really isn’t any Left wing that is allowed into mainstream politics in America since the 1950’s.
Some think that the Liberals are our Left wing, but look at who are our leading “Liberals” Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton all members of the elite class. How can they relate to the common old working class? They are certainly not Left wing they are just to the right of center. This does not mean that they are not doing some good, yes! Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton you have them to thank anytime you see a Doctor or go Hospital for your rights. Al Gore is doing a lot to bring Global Warming out into the open and pressure Congress and the President to do something about it. I am not sure what John Kerry has done, except give George W Bush a second term. This is not good against evil, but of different contradictory interests Corporate Leaders want to maximize their profits while the common old working person wants a good living for them and their families. When it come to spending money to benefit other people a lot of people turn conservative and when it comes to spending money to benefit them and their families they turn Liberal.
The real Left wing has an up hill battle to fight in America, the Socialist have to reeducate the American People as to what Socialism is all about. Then there is our system of Government that prevents third parties from having a real shot at power.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Killing of innocent people

When to Obey and When not to Obey

It seems like everyday you hear of another American soldier in Iraq is being charged with killing innocent Iraqis’ and there are those that say they don’t believe that American Soldiers could do such a thing. They of course are living in a Fantasy world I don’t think there has ever been an Army in any war that has not committed the Killing of innocent people, or some say that it is “hard to tell an insurgent from an innocent civilians” let me give you a hint you don’t line up unarmed people and just shoot them. The real frightening thing is Islamic insurgents are in a Fantasy world of their own these two groups live in their own worlds the trouble is it’s the innocent people in the middle are the ones that get hurt.
What would you do if you were in the Army or Marines and your officer gives you an order to line up women and children and shoot them? Do you shoot them or refuse to do it and get count marshaled, put in prison or maybe the officer would just shoots you and uses that as an excuse to shoot the women and Children. It would take a person with a lot of courage to do the right thing. Anyone that is in the military better have a good reason for disobeying an order. General Douglas MacArthur disobeyed an order not to cross the 38th parallel in Korea and got thousands of Americans, Korean and Chinese people Killed. So this common old work lad says obey orders unless they violate Human Rights. The best way not to have these kind of tragedies is not to be there in the first place and to let the local people handle their own problems. War might seem like the quick and easy solution and peaceful solution takes too long, but the peaceful solution will last longer with fewer lives lost.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Monitoring Global Finances

Secret, What Secret?

President George W. Bush called “disgraceful” reports last week that a secret Government program to monitor citizen’s investments that is necessary for the War of Terror was the subject of a story in the New York Times and other papers. Now I am just a common old working man have always figured they had such a program I believe I heard it from Bush and Cheney in the past. If the program is actually working and they have been taking money from the Terrorist, don’t you think the Terrorist have figured it out too. If the program is working where is the money going? A secret amount of money going to a secret fund account what is preventing Bush and his gang from taking as much as they want and never reporting it. One must think that the criticism has more to do with the November elections than the “War on Terror”

Monday, June 26, 2006

No more Torture

Protest Against Torture

There was a protest against torture in front of Rep. Peter King’s offices in Massapequa Long Island on June 25, 2006 by a coalition of Groups for Peace and no more torture of anyone. Why Rep. Peter King’s offices because Peter King as been a strong supporter of torture and the School of the Americas (SOA).
The School of the Americas is a notorious combat training school for Latin American soldiers located at Fort Benning Georgia. Over its 59 years, it has trained over 60,000 soldiers in illegal torture techniques. Peter King has always voted against any legislation for reducing funds, investigation or closing the SOA.
Human rights are not just for American citizens, but for the Global citizens. It is time to stop the torture, since September 11th, the United States has openly authorized and utilized torture in the name of the “War on Terror” this is a global human rights crisis. So we rang our bells on June 25, 2006 at 12noon in a global protest against torture so in our small way we can try to bring awareness and maybe change some minds.

Friday, June 23, 2006



Philip Compton included "The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one," while classmate Christopher Koulermos chose to use "Strength lies not in defense but attack." Do these statements offend you? No! What if you found out that they were once said by Hitler? The people that are offend by these and any comparison to the rulers of Germany from 1933 to 1945 say they are offend because they don’t want the Holocaust to happen again. It seems to me that the best way to prevent it from happening again is to make a many comparisons as possible. After all remember that to Nazis were elected to power by the good God fearing German people that just wanted a strong leader to correct what they was wrong with Germany and Europe. The Nazis feed on hate and most of all fear, fear of people not like them that they didn’t understand. Their war on terror was against the Jews, Communist and Trade Unionist who they were told was the responsible for all their problems. So be careful of Governments that use fear (like color alerts) and ask you to give up freedoms so they can better fight the people responsible for those fears.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Medical Care

Medical Care

According to a UN report on Which Nation give better medical care to it’s Citizens the United States of America ranks 37th even if it does have more Doctors, Hospitals and Medical Equipment than any other nation. So what gives? Well if you have enough money or your employer provides you with Medical Insurance then the United States probably has the best medical care for you, but if you don’t have enough money or Medical Insurance you have a problem. There are many people every day that choose to die than have the family loose their life savings and maybe their home. People go without medical care because they can not afford it. What kind of nation puts profit above human life? Now does Universal Health care have its problems? Yes! Some people do tend to over load Doctors with very little thing that they think is wrong with them or their love ones, but that is a better problem than no medical care at all. Universal Health Care should provide funding for Medical School so we can have the most qualified Doctors no matter what their family’s income level. We can be really number one in Medical care we just need the people to provide their political power over the corporate political power.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Our 37th Wedding Anniversary

37 year Anniversary

Today June 21, 2006 is our 37th Anniversary of our Marriage which means that 38 plus years ago I made the best decision of my life. I can honestly say that we never had an argument that either one of us thought of walking out of the marriage. Now in my family and it seem in many other families in this country (USA) that is rare both my brother and sister have been devoiced as had some of their children. My parents were married for fifty years and if we live that long we hope to reach that target also. Our secret is no secret it is commutation we still love to just sit and talk to each other, to travel together and take care of our Grandchildren together. I Love her now as much as I ever did and will Love her always. Thank you Adele for making my life complete.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006



When I was growing up in the 1940’s & 50’s we probably had more toys than my parents ever thought of having. My children got a least double what I ever had and their children have four times as much has they ever received. Which makes one wonder where will it end? Yet kids today like kids of the generations before them play with only one or two favorite toys and the boxes they came in. They are usually toys that require an imagination and that the child has some control over. You see kids today riding on motorized scooters that seems to me to be boring, we used to make our scooter from two by fours, used roller skates and a box of some kind, which you had to push with one foot to get it going. The only motorized toys we had was electric trains that were fun to set up with the plastic villages and all, but to watch the trains just go around and around I don’t think so. Now kids today have a new kind of toy video games which are a mixed bag of good and bad. Once again the games that take an imagination seem to me to be more fun than the ones that are just point and shoot. Plus I don’t think the point and shoot games teach respect for life. I remember building forts out of anything we could find using our imagination. Now I am just a common old working lad so I don’t really know if today’s Children use more or less imagination than we did, but it seems to me that people should buy toys that require their children to do something.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Veterans for Peace

Veterans for Peace

I recently joined along with my oldest son the Veterans for Peace newly formed Long Island Chapter. They are having a protest in Great Neck today (June 19, 2006) where the President is going to visit. I am not going because for one thing my son is working and two I know from working in Great Neck for the Phone Company that traffic is bad on Lakeville Road on a normal day much less when the President is visiting. So that is in part why I am writing this today although I would have written it one day anyway.
The Military which is made up mostly with the working class people have been used to put down their fellow working people though out history and especially in the last hundred years to fight wars for corporate profit. I realize we have to find a way to keep the economy going in peace time so there will not be any more need for war. My Father used to say that the reason we got into World War two late was because there is more profit in a long war than a short one. When he said it I thought he was being too cynical who could let so many die just to make more money. But as I read about the slaughter of working men in World War one mostly British, French, German and Russians then Americans with the “Generals” asking for more working men to throw into the fight. Then there was the use of troops to put down strikes for better working conditions in the textile mills of New England, the Railroads and steel mills of Pennsylvania or the massacre of innocent Miners and their families in Ludlow Colorado (read Howard Zinn’s books A People’s History of the United States 1492 – Present and Three Strikes by Howard Zinn along with Dana Frank and Robin D.G. Kelly)
If those reasons are not enough can the United State afford to be the Policemen of the world forever or will we run out of blood or money first. We will talk about that in a later posting.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

How do you get Salvation?

When I restated the question from the Da Vinci Code “What if Jesus was just a great man, what would that do to your faith?” I was asked “What about Jesus dieing for our sins” that bring up a 2000 year old debate do you get salvation from living by the word of Jesus to help your fellow man and forgiving others their sins or by believing that Jesus the son of God died for your sins on the cross. Actually it might be a two question test and you have to do both, but if only one gets you Salvation which is it? Now most churches will say you have to believe that Jesus died for our sins on the cross because then you have to come to them for salvation, but if doing good works and forgiving others get you salvation you don’t even have to be Christian. Which is right? Hey! I am just a common old working man how do I know?

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Genealogy

I started doing my Family Tree a few years ago mostly on line with and with some success mostly on my wife's side. They were came to America earlier than my side, but her father's side ends up in Baden which is now part of Germany. her maiden name is Eiermann her father's name is Frederick Eiermann as is her Grandfather's name and her Great-Grandfather's name. My wife's Great-Grandfather came to America in 1879. My Wife Adele's mother's maiden name was Hixon and came from England Via St. Kitts Adele's Grandmother's maiden name was Kane and John Kane came to America in 1847.
My side of the family comes from Scotland in 1929 my mother Jeanette Greenwood came from Alva Scotland. My Father's Family came from Wishaw in Lanarkshire Scotland. I have had great success on this side in Scotland with which has good Civil Records up to the year 1856 and UK Census to the year 1841 before that you have to go with Church Records which is a lot harder. A lot of both my wife's and my family come orginate from Ireland Like my last name Boyle which I think come from around North western part and my wife's Kane, but all the records I have seen just say they come from Ireland with no Location in Ireland that is ture of both American and Scottich records.
I have gone on too long I will post more about each side at a later time.

Traveling though the years


Now that I am retired my wife and I do a lot of traveling or at least two trips a year seeing as much of the world as can before we leave it. I also research our families’ history and there I find that before my parents our families travel not just for fun, but for their very survival or to improve their lifestyle. A Lot of the family history ends up in Ireland where someone in the nineteenth century must of yelled abandon Ireland for many left around the 1840’s for Scotland, West Indies or North America. It was because of the famine of course and they had to travel or die. Now my parents a couple of generations later left Scotland for New York City not for survival, but hopefully for a better life for Scotland was in the middle of a depression. They came to New York in 1929 what luck huh! Lucky for me their life did improve by the 1940’s and they started taking vacations. The first trip that I remember was to Atlantic City New Jersey with my parent and my sister. Atlantic City back then was a little different than it is today no Casino’s but they did have the Steel Pier with a woman on a horse that dived into a pool of water at the end of the pier, a diving bell and many games to play. We saw a cowboy do some rope tricks and the Ice Show while we were there. My parent also brought me on trip to Gettysburg PA and to Canada. When I got married and had kids we liked to take them of trips to Florida to Disney World, the Kennedy Space Center and Busch Gardens. We also went to Canada as well as Virginia’s Williamsburg and Washington DC. Now that we are retired we have traveled as far west as Hawaii and as far east as Russia. So I guess your can say we have more fun traveling than our ancestors did and hopefully our kids and Grandkids will have even more opportunities to travel than we do.

About me

I decided to start a blog for two reasons One is for Genealogy and the other to express my views on what is going on the our world what is happening today and what happen and didn’t happen yesterday.
My personal history is that I was born in Brooklyn NY and raised in Amityville Long Island NY went though the Amityville Public School system the best thing I learned in Public School was to read so could read about the History of the working people of the world, and not just the rich elite class. While I was in High School I worked at Jones Beach. After school I worked for A&S Department Stores then got Drafted into the US Army from 1964 to 1966 I was lucky there and just missed going to Vietnam, but knew a lot of guys that were force to go and some never made it back. Vietnam was a waste of lives if we had never went to Vietnam it would still be the same as it is today except that over 58,000 Americans and over a million Vietnamese would still be alive. Then I went to work for AIL in Deer Park Long Island NY that is where I met my Wife Adele the best thing that ever happened to me. Then I went to work for New York Telephone in Nassau County and there I stayed until I retired in 2002 after 33 years.
Now I have time to do such thing as digitize all our old photos some that my Wife got from her mother date back to the 1900’s so I have some of the family history in photos dating back about 100 years. I decided I wanted to go back as far as I could so I got into Genealogy and got records as far back as the 1790’s. I am also into Gardening and best of all taken care of my two Grandsons Kenneth John Boyle Jr. and Richard William Boyle who was named after both his Grandpa’s
I also have time now to join the Veterans for Peace and maybe do something to get this country off the War merry go around.

The Da Vinci Code

You often hear people say as a put down to those people that are offended by The Da Vinci Code that it is only Fiction, but the fact that a book is listed as Fiction does not mean that it is all Fiction or for that matter that Non-Fiction is all true. The basic idea of the book and the movie is in the line “if Jesus was not the son of God, but a great man would that change your faith?” I have always thought that being a Christian is more than just saying his name over and over, saying you accept him as your saver, but living by his word to help all people around the world live a better life and forgiving them for their sins against you. I think a true Christian should want to know as much as they can about him in and outside the Bible. If new ideas shake your faith maybe you never really had it to begin with.