Saturday, November 03, 2007

Symbols and Attitudes

People seem to think that Symbols like flags and the Swastika is what makes people like the Nazi, Fascists or American patriots think the way they do. It is not the Symbols it is the Attitude of the people that “We are better than anyone else” We are Rich and “they” are poor so we must be smarter and better bred than they were therefore better. We are German, Japanese, Roman, or Americans etc. so we must be better than anyone else. If Attitudes don’t change it won’t matter if you change Symbols.
The Christians found when the Bible was finally printed and available to anyone that can read that it was the words of Christ that shapes one’s attitude toward the poor and less fortunate and not the symbols like the cross. It is an attitude of bring people together Rich and poor that makes a real Christian.
The world is under going another great change as a Global culture is starting to grow, but people don’t like to see their local culture become museum peaces for tourists. It can be a good thing if this brings understanding between people and fewer differences. There were many cultural changes in the past some good and some bad, but people had to change with them and so will we, hopefully with a better Attitude toward one another.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Immigrants Access to Driver’s Licenses

Immigrants Access to Driver’s Licenses

Even as a common old working man I can see that giving Driver’s Licenses to immigrants is good the security of the United States as it documents the before undocumented. Governor Spitzer of New York announced that New Yorkers can obtain a driver’s license without regard to their immigration status. The new policy will benefit millions of New York residents, as hundreds of thousands of motorists who used to be uninsured will be able to obtain a driver’s license and automobile insurance making our roads safer.
Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005 in an attempt to federalize state driver’s licenses by imposing a broad array of regulations on how they are issued and verified. Should the Real ID Act become law in New York, it will force the Department of Motor Vehicles into the business of enforcing federal immigration law by again requiring that all driver’s license applicants prove their lawful immigration status.
States are not required to implement the Real ID Act, and seventeen states already passed legislation rejecting it. Governor Spitzer to protect the important progress made should express his opposition to the federal Real ID Act.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks, anybody Listening?

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks,
But is anybody listening.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran was invited to talk and answer some questions at Columbia University on September 24, 2007. Columbia University President talked before Ahmadinejad and told the students not to listen to him that all he is going to say are lies. Lee Bolinger the University President is called a expert on freedom of speech, but he seems to say you can talk, but I’ll have cotton in my ears (some expert), instead of let him speak then telling the students where he was wrong and why, but Lee instead insulted not only Ahmadinjad, his university, but both Iran and the United States of America. A lot of what he said was obviously untruths like more children dieing in Iran than anywhere else, what about Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan which of course calls into question the rest of his “facts”.
Ahmadinejad actually answered all the questions given to him before they were even asked, but not with the answers the professors wanted to hear. Nuclear power Ahmadinejad said that they were using it for peaceful purposes and international agencies have confirmed this. This should be easily checked out the fact we have not heard that he is wrong does this mean he is right?
What should have been the main topic Human Right inside Iran got only a little time most of which was about a Columbia University intellectual that got in trouble with the law in Iran? Like most Islamic countries Iran does not live up to Western standards for Human Rights.
What was the most talked about topic was the Holocaust and Israel which seem to be the most important to the professors and students. He said there is a need for more research from a different prospective, but many seem to fear what more research would find out after all there is a lot under that rug. He said there should be elections in Palestine to see what kind of country “they want”. He said “You know quite well that Palestine is and old wound. For 60 years these people are being displaced, for 60 years these people are being killed, for 60 years on a daily basis there’s conflict and terror, for 60 years innocent women and children are destroyed by helicopter and airplanes”
When asked about homosexuals he made a joke in an effort not to answer the question. Iran is ruled by Islamic clerks who watch over everything the government of Iran does and like most religious groups they don’t like homosexuals.
What happen in New York that day tells us more that freedom of search has a long way to go in both countries than anything about Iran.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I thought Sicko was Michael Moore’s best film so far because he covered all his facts with sources, which he did not always do in his other films leaving it up the movie going public to check the facts by reading books on the issues. There are two reasons that I can think of for this, one is the subject matter there are more sources on health care than any other subject and two it would have made his other movies less entertaining it is easer to list sources in books than in films unless you put them in the credits that no one reads.
The big difference between Michael Moore’s Critics and Michael Moore is his backs his facts with sources and his critics don’t. Michael Moore made CNN back down from many of their criticisms. A lot of what the supporters of the American Medical system say about the other systems around the world are either lies, BS, half truths, or true about one system, but not about others and many are also true about the American system sometimes worst in America. The thing that Americans hate most is Taxes which would go up a lot if we went to a one payer system, but that would be made up for in the fact that we or our employers would pay less for Medical Insurance making America more competitive in the world job market. The fact that we are 37th in health care does not mean there are not good things about the American system and the fact that France is number one does not mean that they don’t have problems, but medical care for profit have problems built into it that other systems don’t

Friday, July 06, 2007

Fireworks for the Fourth or the Fourth for Fireworks

Fireworks for the Fourth or the Fourth for Fireworks

The fourth of July 1776, the day John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence (the others signed much later) was the date set a side has the date the United States of America started. Actually independence didn’t come until 1789 when the treaty of London was signed. Since I was a kid the fourth has been celebrated with Fireworks, but I always thought that the important thing was that it is Independence Day not the Fireworks themselves. Fireworks are nice, but they shouldn’t be the important thing. They are not freedom as some have said they are dangerous and should only be in the hands of Professionals

Friday, April 27, 2007

First Democratic Debate

The first Democratic debate on April 26, 2007 in SC in my humble opinion helped me to get to know the positions of some of the candidates.

Former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel; I did not know him before and even if they did treat him like a potted plant, when he did get to talk he was very good and I liked him a lot, but they will probably make him look like a nut. I don’t know what his position on other issues than Iraq like health care and education.

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich; I like his position on Iraq, but I would have to hear more about his positions on health care and education.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards; I think he has the most detailed position on health care, education and how he would pay for it. He has to work of his Iraq position a little more other than saying he is sorry for his vote on the war.

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton; she has a good position on the war in Iraq if she gets elected, she has had a great position on health care since she was first lady. I would like to hear more about education, but her husband was good on education when he was president.

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden; he has the best position on Iraq of any of the candidates, but I need to hear more about health care and education.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd; another potted plant they didn’t call on him much, but he sounds like a run of the mill politician. I didn’t hear his position on Iraq, Health care or education.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama; he said he is against the war, but when asked how he would respond he sounded more pro-war than anti-war and he had very poor response to health care and I am still waiting for his position on education

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson; Poor on Iraq, Gun control, health care and education. He fell more than anyone in my opinion as a result of this debate

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Military Lies

Since the first recorded military report thousands of years ago there probably has not been one account of military action that has told the whole truth. Which is why they say that history is written by the victors and today’s military is no different.
The Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch stories illustrate how easily the military lies without even thinking about it. Pat Tillman was said by the military to have been killed the enemy in a firefight with al-Qaida and Taliban troops as he led his unit to assist a group of ambushed soldiers. Actually Tillman was killed by a group of US Soldiers that were itching for a firefight and mistook him for the enemy. The military also said that they took him to a hospital where they continued medical care. Actually his head was half blown off and he was dead on the battlefield. The question for congress is how far up does the cover up go.
Jessica Lynch an Army truck driver who was captured in an ambush during the early days of the Iraq war. The military put out the story of the little girl Rambo from the hills that went down fighting. This was not true she was wounded with broken legs and a cut to her head and she had pasted out. She said that she thought this might not be bad because “it would inspire our troops and rally a nation”. What she wants to inspire our troops to do what is the question is it to take unnecessary risks trying to be another Rambo and endangering their lives and that of their follow troops.
So when you hear stories from a War Zone take them with a lot of salt.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Don Imus and Free Speech

What Don Imus said was not covered under the first amendment because he stepped on other people’s rights mainly the Girls on the Rutgers Basketball team and he has a history of using his radio program to do just that to others. The right wing media has tried to marginalize the issue by pointing out how many people were on Don Imus’s show, or how many people had to apologize publicly giving them another excuse to play the file film of President Clinton which has nothing to do with making racial and sexist statements on the air. Speech has never been free actually the ink was not dry on the first amendment when the Government made it against the law to say anything against the president (John Adams) and his administration. Eventually that law was repealed I’ll bet some in the Bush Administration wishes it hadn’t been. No one should have a right that hurts other people that is why Don Imus was and should have been fired.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cho's Message

Cho’s Message to NBC

Seung-Hui Cho sent a package to NBC containing Photos, Videos and his writings mostly a lot of double talk about the fact he came from a poor family and had to work hard for what he got. When other students seem to have everything they wanted for little or no work. Now they say that Cho was mentally ill and some people knew about him being dangerous for months if not years a judge even said he was dangerous to himself and others. The question here is was he ignored because he was Korean or what? Why was he still able to buy handguns when he had a history of being mental ill? Another question is if his family had stayed in Korea would he have been set off by better off Koreans? You don’t hear of Massacres in other Countries unless there is a war going on. So maybe it was a combination of things. He is poor while other students seem like spoiled brats with everything, but not looking at the fact he had a lot more than other people. He might have felled like an outsider, but there were students from all races and one of his victims was Korean herself. He might have been caught up in the American culture of violence that made the other pressures come to a boiling point that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech Massacre

Virginia Tech Massacre

The first report about the Virginia Tech Massacre I heard from CNN was that it set a new record for school massacres, that’s what we need to set new goals for our young people. Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine said he didn’t think anyone should use the Virginia Tech massacre for a political hobby horse while he flew back as fast as he could from Japan to gave a news conference on something he knew nothing about so he could get his Photo-op. Everyone from University officials, Campus police and Doctors patted themselves on the back at how well they did and no one should look back on their actions (Monday morning quarterbacking, 20/20 hind site etc), but the only way we learn from our mistakes is to review our work or we will repeat our mistakes over and over again. The only way to change the culture of Violence is to educate future generations that violence only begets more violence and to give peace a chance.

Wild West America

We all watched as the Pro-Gun people were trying to explain away Cho Sung-Hui with such statements as “there were too few guns on campus”, “It is irresponsibly dangerous to tell citizens that they may not have guns at schools.” This is just some examples of the thinking of the Pro-Gun Culture in America and that keeps the United States of America near the top of Murder by firearms Number eight behind South Africa, Colombia, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Belarus, and Costa Rica. It is interesting to note that Countries with Gun Control have low murder rates per-capita than countries that don’t. See the Web site below:

Gun control measures might have made it hard for Cho Sung-Hui to get a gun, but not impossible, what is need is a change in the Pro-Gun Culture which is one of the reasons that Virginia Tech Campus Police did not shut down the campus after the first shooting and a gunman which still loose on campus. It was too normal for someone to shoot his girlfriend in Virginia; if they had thought different they might have saved 31 lives.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A True Planetary Emergency

Al Gore took his case to save us from ourselves to Congress and I for one thought he made a good case. Judging from the reaction of the Senators some seem to think of Global Warming another way Liberals are tiring to keep them from making money. This is not an issue like evolution that can and probably will be debated until the end of time. Changes that Al Gore and Scientist (Scientist not in the employ of Corporations or Government) says must be made now or the end of time will be sooner than we think. We all may have to pay a little more now, but our children and our children’s children will receive a world worth living in.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day 2007

When the Irish Catholics came to America they to a Man and Women were of the Working Class many in the 1840’s were escaping Starvation in Ireland when Countries like Britain and America would only help non-Catholic Irish. When the Irish got to America they found they were hated as much here as in their homeland except in America they had food. So you would think they would have empathy with other minorities that are suffering the same way their ancestors did and some do, but a lot seem to think the best way to be accepted by Society is to become the haters instead of the hated. They have turned Irish originations into hate groups and have excluded some minorities from the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. I am picking on the Irish, but other ethic groups have followed this path as well. The world would be a lot better place for all people if you just would remember where you came from!
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Friday, March 16, 2007

Democrats take over Congress

Yes it is a good thing that the Democrats have taken over the house by a good margin and the Senate barely because it put some progressives the head of some committees. There are more progressives in the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. The question is there enough progressives to get anything done for the working class in America, it seems that so far Congress has been tried up with Iraq and sending more working class people to died, than social programs to help them. Now they are starting the 2008 Presidential race ahead of time. So it seem like the good news is the Republicans are not in control of Congress and the bad news is that the Democrats are.

I return at last

You might have noticed (but probably not) that I have not posted since October 2006. I have some excuses like I was busy with putting videos on YouTube, digitizing old photos, a trip to Ireland and a little thing called prostate cancer.
The videos I put on YouTube are mostly of the trips my wife and I have taken over the years. Some are Slideshows other videos (one from 1977 was on super 8 film) I put music to a lot of the slideshows and videos and have gotten a good response from the YouTube viewers.
It’s going to take me a long time to digitize the entire old photo collection especially since when I find a new and better way to do it I go over what I already did, but it keeps me alive.
Our trip to Ireland was great and you can see videos of it on YouTube . we went to Dublin for a week then to Kerry on the west coast of Ireland.
The Doctor gave me the options of doing nothing about my prostate cancer in the hopes that something else would kill me before the cancer could. Implanting radio active seeds in my prostate or removing my prostate. There are side effects to all the options, so I took the middle one and had seed implants.
There have been a few big news events since I last posted and I will try to catch up.