Wednesday, December 31, 2008
They met in Brooklyn
In 1929 Jeanette Wilkes Greenwood came to New York from her native Scotland at the time she was just 20 years of age. She came with her two cousins Isabella Nolan who was 18 years of age nicknamed Isa and Margaret Nolan who was 21 years of age nicknamed Maggie. They were sponsored by their Aunt Elizabeth Wilkes (Richards) who they called Aunt Lizzie. She gave them each fifty dollars so they didn’t have to go though Elis Island. They all got jobs as Maids living with rich families in Brooklyn. Jeanette’s friend Betty who also just came from Scotland herself arranged a blind date for Jeanette at Brooklyn’s Coney Island. Jeanette brought herself a new dress with the first wages she earned in America. Once she met this guy who’s name was Hugh Wallace Boyle (he called himself Wallace Boyle) She fell in love a first or maybe second site with the guy. So when her cousin got home sick and went back to Scotland, Jeanette stayed and after dating just a short while marred Wallace in June of 1931. They went on to have three children Wallace Jr, Jeanette Wilkes and finally me, Richard. My mother said if she hadn’t met my father she would have gone back to Scotland with her cousins. So if it wasn’t for that date I would have been born in Scotland and had a very different life.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
If Jesus was Just a Man
Ancient Mythic Origins of the Christmas Story
Valerie Tarico interviews Dr. Tony Nugent, scholar of world religions. Dr. Nugent is a symbologist, an expert in ancient symbols. He taught at Seattle University for fifteen years in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and is an ordained Presbyterian minister.
Most Americans know how Christmas came to be celebrated on December 25: The Emperor Constantine chose the date because it was winter solstice in the Julian Calendar, the birthday of dying and rising gods like Mithra and Sol. Some people also know that our delightful mélange of Christmas festivities originated in ancient Norse, Sumerian, Roman and Druid traditions - or, in the case of Rudolph, on Madison Avenue.
But where does the Christmas story itself come from: Jesus in the manger, the angels and wise men?
The familiar Christmas story, including the virgin conception and birth of Jesus, is found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Scholars have pointed out that these stories are somewhat disconnected from other parts of these Gospels and the rest of the New Testament. In fact, by the time he is a young boy in the temple, Jesus's parents seem to have forgotten the virgin birth. They act surprised by his odd behavior. There is never any other mention in the New Testament of these incredible events! These stories seem to be an afterthought, written later than the rest of the gospels that contain them.
To make matters more interesting, the stories themselves have inconsistencies and ambiguities - contradictory genealogies, for example. Our Christmas story (singular) is actually a composite.
Or consider the idea that Mary is a virgin. The Greek writer of Matthew quotes Isaiah as saying: "a parthenos shall conceive and bear a child." The Hebrew word in Isaiah is "almah," which means simply "young woman." But the Greek word parthenos can mean either a virgin or a young woman, and it got translated as "virgin." Modern Bible translations have corrected this, but it is a central part of the Christmas story.
That's a lot of added complications. If the rest of the New Testament doesn't refer to these stories or need them, then how did we end up with them? Where do they come from?
One part of the answer comes from Hellenistic culture. (It is no accident all New Testament books written in Greek.) In this tradition, when a man did something extraordinary there was the assumption that he did this because he was different, either divine or semi-divine. They would make up a story about how he came to be divine. Almost all Greek heroes were said to be born of a human woman and a god--even Alexander the Great, Augustus and Pythagoras.
The father typically was Zeus or Apollo. The god would come and sleep with the woman, pretending to be the husband or as a bolt of lightning, or some such. Greek mythology also shows up in the book of Genesis: the gods lusting after the women and coming down and mating with them.
Why were they added to the Christian story?
Jewish Christians - the first Christians didn't believe in the virgin birth. They believed that Joseph was the biological father of Jesus. Part of their Christology was "adoptionism"--they thought Jesus was adopted as the unique son of God at some time later in life. There were disagreements about when - Mark suggests the baptism, Paul suggests the resurrection.
Over time, gentile Christianity replaced Jewish Christianity. There were Jewish-Roman Wars. The Jewish Christians were marginalized and oppressed. The Gentile branch became dominant. Eventually we get the gospel of John which pushes the sonship of Jesus back to the beginning of time. This writer is at the other end of the spectrum from the Jewish Christians.
But Matthew and Luke think that the Sonship of Jesus began at birth. And they want to tell a story that reinforces this point. Matthew and Luke are the source of the Christmas story as most of us learned it.
Why didn't the writers do a better job of cleaning the contradictions? They did, some. This is called the "orthodox corruption of scripture." (Bart Ehrman article , book) . But it appears that these birth stories were added toward the end, so scripture got frozen before they could get integrated.
I was raised that the bible was the literally perfect, "inerrant" word of God, essentially dictated by God to the writers. What you are saying about the Christmas story sure calls into question this point of view.
Which Bible?! There are thousands of manuscript variations.
Most biblical stories are probably fiction, not non-fiction. They are mythology in the deepest sense of the word. But we need to get beyond issue of whether biblical reports happened in the historical, physical sense to understand what they mean spiritually and mythically.
Ok. Back to Christmas. Of all the images from the Christmas story, the one that people fall in love with most is angels. The Christmas story is full of angels, beings of light. Is this because of the solstice tradition?
Actually it comes from the Hebrew Bible, the Jewish scriptures that were eventually adopted into the Christian Bible as the Old Testament. It also comes from the Jewish literature written between the Old and New Testaments that didn't get into the biblical canon. Some of these are even quoted in the New Testament, for example Enoch, from the 2nd Century BC. It's all about angels.
What are angels in these stories? Who are they?
The Bible calls them the sons of God, the Divine Council. The word used for God in parts of the Hebrew Bible, Elohim, is plural implying a family of deities. Angels are the lesser gods of the deposed pantheon of ancient Israel. They are under the rulership of Yahweh. Together with Yahweh they are part of Elohim, a plural word that we translate "God" in the book of Genesis. Elohim/God says "Let us make humans in our image." Christians understand this to refer to the trinity, but that is a later interpretation. These angels came from the ancient pantheons of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Many of these gods come from stars. There is a strong astral dimension. "Heavenly Hosts" are stars.
The Luke story focuses on one angel specifically: Gabriel. Is he the archangel?
Gabriel is the Angel of the Lord. He is one of two angels who are named in the Jewish canon and the Christian canon outside of the apocrypha: Gabriel and Michael. They are the angels of mercy and judgment. Gabriel means "Strong One of El." He is first named in Daniel.
If you go into an Eastern Orthodox church you have two icons on the north and south. Michael is on the North to fight with Satan who lives there. Gabriel is on the south. He is more like what the angels originally were, which is messengers of the gods. That is what angel means. The idea that God has a special messenger is exactly what we read about in the Middle Eastern mythologies. Each of the earlier gods has his own special messenger. Enki, who becomes Yaweh, has Isimud. The goddess Inana has Ninshubur. Each high god will have an envoy or assistant, who is a lesser god. The angel of the lord is the same thing. The distinction between angels and gods came later.
Is he a star person? Or one of those semi-divine descendents of gods and women?
He is one of the gods who would come down to earth.
Why do you say that?
The offspring of the gods mating with women are called Gaborim--from the same root as Gabriel. In the second century, Gabriel appears in the Epistula Apostolorum. It talks about Jesus and these secret teachings that he gave to his apostles after the resurrection. One of the secrets is that he is actually Gabriel. After Gabriel took on flesh and united with Mary, then he becomes Jesus. The idea that Christ was an angel was extremely popular in the early church. Later we find this really strict separation between humans and angels; between gods and angels. (more)
We have time for just one more favorite Christmas story: The Star of Bethlehem and the Magi.
The Magi are astrologers. They are Zoroastrian priests. Just to the east of the Roman Empire was the Persian Empire, which was Zoroastrian. They see this star at its rising (the better translations don't say in the East). The astrologers paid a lot of attention to this. It is likely that what this refers to was a heliacal rising, which is the first time that a star appears over the horizon during the course of a year. They thought this was a sign of the Jewish messiah. Scholars speculate that they would have been living in Babylon, where there were lots of Jewish merchants. The Jews had been there from the time of the Jewish exile from Babylonia. We have cuneiform records from them.
Are you assuming that this story is historical?
Think of it as a frog and pond. The pond is real, the frog is not. They are fictional stories in a real setting. They don't always get the details of the setting right, but they are fictional characters in real places. The Magi follow their star from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. The author has in mind a real star that would be in front of you in this situation. It would have to be a star in the far southern sky. Remember what I said about the Heavenly Host being stars? The star in Matthew and the angel in Luke are two variants of the same mythology.
My former fundamentalist head is spinning. Is there anything else you'd like to say in closing?
We need to be able to appreciate these stories as myths, rather than literal histories. When you understand where they come from, then you can understand their spiritual significance for the writers and for us.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
John McCain a Hero?
Mr. Ayers would be quite justified in being disappointed with Barack Obama for his cowardice in this whole affair. In keeping with his characteristic unprincipled opportunism, Obama repeatedly called a friend who had helped him in the past "despicable" while characterizing McCain as a "hero" for the infinitely more monstrous crimes he committed. If his old friend, or just acquaintance if that's what he really is, had any sense of decency, Ayers would not be in this position of having to defend himself now.
It's also hard not to see a connection between all of this and the Iraq War. The media and McCain campaign attack Ayers and hold up McCain as a hero in order to further try to rehabilitate the Vietnam War and the American government's murder of several million people in Southeast Asia while also discrediting and ridiculing anti-war opposition. It is greatly to his credit that Ayers defends the anti-war movement in such strong terms in this piece. That Obama went along with trashing Ayers and glorifying McCain is a dark sign about his real position on the Iraq War, a subject on which he has already flip-flopped and proven totally insincere and uncommitted to the anti-war position that won him such enthusiasm among millions of American young people.
There was an unrepentant terrorist in this presidential campaign. Indeed, one who has built an entire career, and a lucrative one at that, solely on the basis of boasting about his terrorist acts. His name is John McCain, and it is time the media stopped treating him as a hero.
— DA, Cambridge, MA
The Real Bill Ayers
IN the recently concluded presidential race, I was unwillingly thrust upon the stage and asked to play a role in a profoundly dishonest drama. I refused, and here’s why.
Unable to challenge the content of Barack Obama’s campaign, his opponents invented a narrative about a young politician who emerged from nowhere, a man of charm, intelligence and skill, but with an exotic background and a strange name. The refrain was a question: “What do we really know about this man?”
Secondary characters in the narrative included an African-American preacher with a fiery style, a Palestinian scholar and an “unrepentant domestic terrorist.” Linking the candidate with these supposedly shadowy characters, and ferreting out every imagined secret tie and dark affiliation, became big news.
I was cast in the “unrepentant terrorist” role; I felt at times like the enemy projected onto a large screen in the “Two Minutes Hate” scene from George Orwell’s “1984,” when the faithful gathered in a frenzy of fear and loathing.
With the mainstream news media and the blogosphere caught in the pre-election excitement, I saw no viable path to a rational discussion. Rather than step clumsily into the sound-bite culture, I turned away whenever the microphones were thrust into my face. I sat it out.
Now that the election is over, I want to say as plainly as I can that the character invented to serve this drama wasn’t me, not even close. Here are the facts:
I never killed or injured anyone. I did join the civil rights movement in the mid-1960s, and later resisted the draft and was arrested in nonviolent demonstrations. I became a full-time antiwar organizer for Students for a Democratic Society. In 1970, I co-founded the Weather Underground, an organization that was created after an accidental explosion that claimed the lives of three of our comrades in Greenwich Village. The Weather Underground went on to take responsibility for placing several small bombs in empty offices — the ones at the Pentagon and the United States Capitol were the most notorious — as an illegal and unpopular war consumed the nation.
The Weather Underground crossed lines of legality, of propriety and perhaps even of common sense. Our effectiveness can be — and still is being — debated. We did carry out symbolic acts of extreme vandalism directed at monuments to war and racism, and the attacks on property, never on people, were meant to respect human life and convey outrage and determination to end the Vietnam war.
Peaceful protests had failed to stop the war. So we issued a screaming response. But it was not terrorism; we were not engaged in a campaign to kill and injure people indiscriminately, spreading fear and suffering for political ends.
I cannot imagine engaging in actions of that kind today. And for the past 40 years, I’ve been teaching and writing about the unique value and potential of every human life, and the need to realize that potential through education.
I have regrets, of course — including mistakes of excess and failures of imagination, posturing and posing, inflated and heated rhetoric, blind sectarianism and a lot else. No one can reach my age with their eyes even partly open and not have hundreds of regrets. The responsibility for the risks we posed to others in some of our most extreme actions in those underground years never leaves my thoughts for long.
The antiwar movement in all its commitment, all its sacrifice and determination, could not stop the violence unleashed against Vietnam. And therein lies cause for real regret.
We — the broad “we” — wrote letters, marched, talked to young men at induction centers, surrounded the Pentagon and lay down in front of troop trains. Yet we were inadequate to end the killing of three million Vietnamese and almost 60,000 Americans during a 10-year war.
The dishonesty of the narrative about Mr. Obama during the campaign went a step further with its assumption that if you can place two people in the same room at the same time, or if you can show that they held a conversation, shared a cup of coffee, took the bus downtown together or had any of a thousand other associations, then you have demonstrated that they share ideas, policies, outlook, influences and, especially, responsibility for each other’s behavior. There is a long and sad history of guilt by association in our political culture, and at crucial times we’ve been unable to rise above it.
President-elect Obama and I sat on a board together; we lived in the same diverse and yet close-knit community; we sometimes passed in the bookstore. We didn’t pal around, and I had nothing to do with his positions. I knew him as well as thousands of others did, and like millions of others, I wish I knew him better.
Demonization, guilt by association, and the politics of fear did not triumph, not this time. Let’s hope they never will again. And let’s hope we might now assert that in our wildly diverse society, talking and listening to the widest range of people is not a sin, but a virtue.
William Ayers, a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is the author of “Fugitive Days” and a co-author of the forthcoming “Race Course.”
Monday, November 24, 2008
Capitalism and Communism failed what next?
Barack Obama right now as of this writing is trying to save capitalism from itself even before he has the power to do so. The only way he can do it is to add Socialist programs into the mix which is blasphemy to those who hold the “Free Market” as a religion the same as those in China who held Communism as a religion hold Capitalist programs as blasphemy. The only hope for both America and China has is that he finds the right mix and can get it through the hard heads who don’t like “Change”. Barack Obama is perhaps the Smartest President ever elected, but he must change minds set in stone a very hard task that even God is still trying to do.
Friday, November 07, 2008
President Elect Barack H Obama After the Election
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Vice-President elect Joseph Biden After the Election
Governor Sarah Palin After the Election
I was astonished when John McCain picked an unknown Governor of Alaska to be his running mate for Vice-President. After hearing her speak at the Republican Convention I thought what the hell is McCain thinking, she has got to be the worst choice in US History. She did appeal to the Republican Right wing base which he had anyway, to some women at first, but the more even they heard her the more she turned them off. Sarah Palin’s lack of knowledge especially for a Governor of a State is astonishing. Sarah’s Father was a Science Teacher, but neither his wife or his daughter believe in Science maybe she say more about the state of our country that someone like can be elected Governor much less Vice-President.
Sen. John McCain After the Election
Monday, November 03, 2008
Regulate the Airlines and on line ticket Services.
In the year 2007 we booked a trip to Portugal from Cheap on Delta Airlines for September of 2008 unfortunately I became sick just before the trip and had to cancel the trip. In early August of 2008 we called Cheap Tickets to Cancel and they said that they could only give us credit which we had to use on the same Airline by December 31, 2008. We called a second time because we didn’t think that was right and they told us that they could not cancel the tickets that we had to call Delta Airlines. So we called Delta Airlines and they said that we had to bring a Doctor’s note to a Delta Ticket office they said the nearest one to us was at Islip Airport. So in September we got in our car and drove to Islip Airport where we were told that Delta Airlines is no longer there and we had to go to JFK Airport. We then took the LIRR from Patchogue to the Airtrain to the Delta terminal at JFK. Where after standing on a long line an Delta Agent told us that they would give us a full refund, but that Delta Airlines is only in control of the Tickets ten days before the flight and that Cheap Tickets could have and should have done it before the ten days. He said the on line ticket services are always dumping it on the Airlines by telling their customers to call the Airlines for refunds when they should do it. It seems to me that there is a need for Government regulation of both the Airlines and the On Line Ticket Services because they can not do it themselves.
Adele and Richard Boyle Medford LI NY
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Invest in America.
Where should the hard earn tax money of the Working Class (or if you prefer Middle Class)? Some say just give it back to the tax payer as a Stimulus package, which did not work back in May, so even if we do like getting money in the mail it is a bad idea. Some say to use it to buy more war machinery to kill people that don’t think or look like us, another bad idea. A better idea is to invest it in rebuilding the Electrical Grid of our nation then we can have Mass transit running on electric power, Training people on how to install solar panels with people getting tax breaks for installing them like Germany has been doing for years. Installing more windmills and hydroelectric power all bring high paying jobs that can’t be shipped overseas. Building Electric cars that will replace Gas driven car completely. Improve our education system by studying what makes other countries education systems better than ours for our children are our future we should give them a New Deal.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Second Presidential Debate
Monday, October 06, 2008
Question; What is free about the Free Market?
Friday, October 03, 2008
Looking forward without looking backwards?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Obama vs. McCain first Debate
McCain also seem more pro business at the expense of the middle and working classes. It was Obama that talked about cutting taxes, relief for people about to lose their homes, and creating jobs here in America instead of shipping jobs overseas. McCain is for the trickle down theory only the money is trickling on China and India with very little on the American workers.
Looking at the decisions that both candidates have made so far McCain picked Sarah Palin to help him push his programs through Congress and Obama picked Joe Biden to help him push his programs. J.F.K picked L.B.J who put the 1964 civil rights laws and the 1965 voting rights laws through Congress so picking the right Vice President is more important than people seem to think.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Taxpayers getting their Moneys worth
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Paulson Plan
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Globalize Labor
It is time for the workers of the world to Globalize and strike for safely Standards and living wages. First workers must be able to commutate, to this end laptops should be giving to poor workers with training on how to use them. If workers can commutate they will learn that they have some of the same goals, and then they can take action to obtain them. It will take time, but it will be worth it.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Socialism and Democracy
Any time a Politician or anyone else talks about being fairer to the Middle, Working or poor Classes in the United States of America they are called Socialist. Any program that helps the lower classes is shot down just by calling is a Socialist idea. This is just another way that the Global Corporations Control the people working for cheap wages there by adding to their wealth. It is an old story to be sure they know that with fear and Propaganda they can control the people. Socialism, Labor Unions, Free Public Schools, Social Security, Medicare and Universal Health care are all bad and must be feared. They use the Christian Religion to promote the totalitarian programs that control the people, but keep them free to do what they want. The ideas that Jesus teaches us are Socialist principles that is why the “Christian Right” fights for the Old Testament and not the New Testament. The Corporations use Religion, race, ethic background and Political parties to divide the people into little groups that will not be a threat to them. I also have a fear that it is only when it is too late that the people will unite against their suppressers.
When I was in Italy one of my fellow tourist said that “the Italians will never have a stable Government because too many different factions trying to have their say” I told him that is what they call democracy. He is use to the phony democracy we have in the United States. Where we have “Two Parties” that have similar views both the right of center having destroyed any affective Left wing parties in the 1950’s when they call anyone with what they thought were left leaning ideas a Communist and jailed or black listed them. There is no such thing a liberal that was a word dreamed up by Social Conservatives to call something they don’t like. Progressives who are in the Center are the only ones that keep this Country going toward the right track.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Who should Vote?
For more information on the issues see Obama’s web site and McCain web site
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Vote for the Issues
Sarah Palin’s speech to the Republican Convention was filled with slogans and ambiguities meant to inspire McCain’s Conservative base. Palin says McCain wants Victory in Iraq and Obama never says the word when talking about Iraq. Funny thing is that is one of the things I like about Obama he knows that “War” is not a Hockey game. There are no winners just Losers, one side loses less than the other, but they are both losers. She says she saved the people of Alaska a half a billon dollars in programs, but never says what programs she cut and what the cut cost the people of Alaska in Health Care or Education were they good or bad cuts we don’t know and she is not saying.
McCain picked Palin to get the Conservative and Women’s vote and that she might do for the Conservative only want to the same old tired slogans like the Democrats will raise your taxes, Lose the war game in Iraq, we will drill because the “Liberals” don’t like that. It is funny that Palin and her husband want to drill since they have worked in the oil companies in Alaska. Women who vote for McCain/Palin just because Palin is a Woman are insulting their sex.
Taxes; Obama says he wants to Cut taxes for the Working class people and drop the Bush Cut for the top one percent, Seniors will “Not” pay income tax for incomes under $50,000.00 If he cut back on Money give-aways to Iraq and Georgia that we can not afford. McCain want to cut the taxes of the Corporate and Oil Companies putting the taxes weight on the Middle and Working Classes.
Health Care; Obama will bring us closer to the rest of the world by Health care affordable to all. McCain has no real Health Care program.
Education; Obama want to make a college education available and affordable to all. McCain of giving out money according to Income for private schools meaning that the rich get a best education as happens now, the Middle Class get a education not as good as the rich, but better than the Working Class, the working Class get a education not as good as the Middle Class, but better than the Poor Class.
For more information on the issues see Obama’s web site and McCain web site
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin
John McCain just Selected Sarah Palin to be his Vice President who was just elected Governor of Alaska, she was a soccer Mom and Beauty Queen before becoming Governor. We don’t know much about Sarah except that she seems to be Pro-Gun, Pro-War, Anti-Choice, Anti-environment, We don’t know about her stand on Health Care or Education, but we can make a good estimate. If McCain is elected we hope he sees his 80th birthday. I think she is a insult to women, McCain is saying that women will vote only on the base of Sex and not on the issues that matter to them.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Change or Fear you decide
Aug 4, 2008
It is Change against Fear in this election so far as McCain has launched some fear Ads that say that Obama look different than you, has a funny name, we might not “Win” in Iraq, He will raise your taxes etc. All out of the Republican play book of former elections. McCain says all we have to do to lower Gas price is to throw more money at the Big Oil Companies and let them drill off our shores, even if they only drill on 10% of the territory they can drill in now. If they are allowed to drill anywhere they want it would be 10 years before they could get any oil then they would sell it on the open market to China. Obama say he would allow it if the Republican would put some money into new types of Energy Sources, but he should be able to do that anyway without damaging our fishing industry and seashores. They still both want a larger Military which the taxpayer can not afford. What we real need is a better way to elect our Government leaders or a real democracy where we have candidates with reasonable ideas.
Crossing the Great South Bay in 1957
One Saturday in the winter of 1957 some friends and myself were going to go to the Movies, but had a little time to kill and the Great South Bay was frozen over so we decided to walk across the ice and see how far we could get. We of course didn't realize then how dangerous it was, but we did get to the island just across the state channel from Gilgo Beach where we saw an hunter's cabin after looking at it we decided we better get back we were late for the movies. While we were returning across the ice an airplane buzzed us then we saw red light flashing from the shorelines in seems that someone saw us crossing the ice and called the police. We were almost to the shore when one of the older brothers of one of my friends came out to meet us and told Kathy where to walk. She fell though the ice, but got herself out with her legs now wet. I think we would have made it all the way without incident if it wasn't for our "rescuer". But we did get home safely even if we did miss the movie. All the local and City Newspapers Newsday, Long Island Press, Daily Mirror, Daily News, The New York Herald Tribune came to take pictures and do stories on us. It was my luck that summer when I was talking to a couple of friends Botzy and Woody who also lived near us. I told them about the hunter's cabin and they decided that they wanted to see it. So we took a row boat out to the first island and walked across a sallow between the islands finally getting to the hunter's cabin after looking around we returned to the boat only to find that someone had taken our oars and anchor it was getting late so we went back to the cabin. We started a fire in the potbelly stove found some canned soup and went to bed in the cabin's bunk beds. Our families of course became alarmed, it seems that Woody's Father took his cabin courser out to look for us and came up to the cabin, but we were all asleep. So not hearing anything he left. The next morning we decided to walk back to the boat when a Coast Guard boat picked us up. We almost got a helicopter ride but it couldn't land a helicopter ride would have made it almost worth it. My father said he wasn't worried because he could see our row boat and he figured that we were on the island. All the Newspapers came for more pictures and stories. The Herald Tribune also did a human interest story with pictures of kids jumping off the docks. Now of course I and probably my friends where ever they are realize now dangerous going out on the water winter or summer can be. When I was Graduating from Amityville High School class of 1961 the three top students Own K. Bradford, Gary P McColgan and Steven M. Stein all died in a boating accident not far from where we had spent a couple of nights. They stayed with their boat as experts say you should do and in most situations it is the right thing to do, but tragically this time it wasn’t.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
America must adjust to the times
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Vatican Business of Religion
Vatican Orders Records Withheld from Mormons
The Catholic News Service has published an article about new Vatican orders to not cooperate with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the microfilming of records. The Vatican wishes to block posthumous rebaptisms by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a practice that Catholics, Jews, and some others find objectionable.
Catholic dioceses throughout the world have been directed by the Vatican not to give information in parish registers to the Mormons' Genealogical Society of Utah.
An April 5 letter from the Vatican Congregation for Clergy, obtained by Catholic News Service in late April, asks Episcopal conferences to direct all bishops to keep the Latter-day Saints from microfilming and digitizing information contained in those registers.
The order came in light of "grave reservations" expressed in a January 29 letter from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the clergy congregation's letter said.
When did religion become like private businessman’s clubs, it seems to me that religions are public in the United States that is one of the reasons the don’t pay taxes. So it should be up to the local governments who can access their records.
The Vatican though the years has trouble with their faith, first with the pre-Christians, then the non-Christian in Spain (Muslims and Jews) and now with the Mormons. They obviously they do not believe in Jesus Christ and his wisdoms
Anti-Vatican is not anti-Catholic the local church do a lot of good work and maybe not even listen to this ban at all. It is the Vatican that keeps supporting every dictator that comes along so they can still operate within the country.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Supreme Court decisions
The Supreme Court handed down three landmark decisions lately
The Supreme Court recently decided that non-American citizens have the same rights to defend themselves in a court of law as do American citizens by a 5 to 4 vote
The Supreme Court recently decided that the Death Penalty is cruel and Unusual Punishment for People found Guilty of the rape of a child therefore is Unconstitutional by a 5 to 4 vote.
The Supreme Court recently decided that an individual has the right to own guns under the second amendment of the US Constitution by a 5 to 4 vote.
I agree with the first two, first I don’t think you can say some people have rights and others don’t. Everyone in the world should have the same rights as anyone else maybe there should be a World Constitution that guarantees that everyone no matter what your local government says has rights agreed to by a world vote. Second the Death Penalty is barbaric no matter what the crime. Only six states had the death penalty for child rape (the death penalty for adult rape was already declared unconstitutional) and most of them never used it. This decision is a step in the right direction.
The third decision was on the second amendment which reads; A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. I think the Supreme Court decision that this some how give individual the right to a hand gun is be on me. When it say Militia and people means Local governments not individuals and they must be “well regulated” admittedly this has to be the worst written of the amendments. This decision was purely political and will cost lives. The US Constitution should updated to make it a lot clear or even better a World Constitution with a World Police force that all countries contribute both people and money not just one country.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Obama vs McCain on recent Supreme Court decision
The Supreme Court recently decided that non-American citizens have the same rights to defend themselves in a court of law as do American citizens. Obama rightly says that this is the right decision and that it helps bring back up the reputation of the United States of America. McCain says that it is the wrong decision that only Americans or people that agree with the American Government should have those rights. He says they may hurt Americans if they are let free and they may or may not, but that has nothing to do with the fact that they are human. You either believe in freedom for all or you really don’t believe in it at all. American will be safer if we help protect the rights of all the people of this world and not make American citizens some how better than anyone else. Obama is right on this issue.
Friday, June 06, 2008
The McCain Ad
A new McCain ad that says we should be sorry for him because he was a prisoner of War in Vietnam so we should elect him our president. He says he hates war and loves peace that is why he wants to keep the Iraq oil war going for another hundred years. We are suppose to believe that we are now “winning” as if war was like a sporting event where one side wins and the other loses, but in actually reality both sides always loses in both lives and money. We can not afford to be the world’s policeman any longer. We have lost too many poor young people who have sir come to false patriotism or the College trap only to die a “hero”. Now McCain went off to war in ‘Vietnam for the same reasons only he thought that joining the Air force was a safer way than to crawling through the jungle with the workingman’s sons, but he got himself shot down and then captured by people that only wanted to be free of foreigners like him.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Little Kenny's first train ride
My oldest son Michael John Boyle came up with the idea first to take his nephew Kenneth John Boyle Jr who was the son of my youngest son Kenneth John Boyle Sr. to the “City” (meaning Manhattan of course) for Fleet week. I first thought it would be too crowded, but after Mike got Kenny Sr. to go I decided that I wanted to see my Grandson’s first train ride so I told Mike that I would go after all. Adele Grace Eiermann Boyle my Wife and Grandmother to Kenny Jr and Richard William Boyle said that she would stay home with little Richie who was just three years old and would have been a hand full (Kenny Jr was five years old). Josephine Dorothy Coyle Boyle Kenny Jr and Richie’s Mom decided that she want to go too so now we had four adults plus Kenny Jr. going so Mike and I checked the internet and found that some US Navy ships were going to be at the 48th street and 12th Ave (West side drive) pier.
So on Saturday May 24th we all piled into Kenny Sr. and Josephine’s car for it was the only car we have that we all would fit into and Kenny Sr. drove us to Patchogue Railroad station. First I bought my senior ticket which was $13.95 as compared with the others $19.95 for an Off Peak round trips from Patchogue to Penn Station. The Metro-card of which we brought two both with $20.00 on them which was more than we needed, but what the hell they are good for a year. So we got onto the platform and waited for the train where little Kenny’s Uncle Mike started taking his picture I think he actually likes to get his picture taken which both his Uncle Mike and his Grandpa did a lot during this trip to the city.
The train came and we got on to find it was crowded, but at least we did find seats in the same area. Kenny Jr loved looking out the window and after a while said “are we going around in a circle” he was obviously relating the real train to a toy train so if toy trains go around in a circle why not a real trains? Kenny Jr started getting bored looking out the window and said “I have to go to the bathroom” so his Dad took him to look for the “bathroom” actually lavatory first going in one direction only to find of course it was in the other direction. (He did go before we left) We had to change at Jamaica Queens for the train we were riding in was a diesel and are not allowed through the tunnel to Penn Station so we changed to an electric train that is allowed. Fortunately we found seats on that train too even if it was more crowded yet and sure enough Kenny Jr said “I have to go to the bathroom” yet again and his Dad took him again to find the Lavatory and had better luck this time. We finally got into Penn Station and Kenny Jr.’s first train was over, but his first Subway was about to begin.
After coming out of LIRR platform we took the E Train to 50th Street which was just two stops from Penn Station it just stopped at 42nd Street before 50th. Little Kenny loved it the train that wasn’t too crowded and he played with the pole in the middle of the car floor. We must have taken pictures of him like every five minutes, but he didn’t mind it.
When we got out of the Subway Station at 50th St. and 8th Ave we naturally started walking in the wrong direction for some reason the Subway always turns me around direction wise. When we ended up at Broadway and 50th St. I knew we had walked the wrong way and we first showed little Kenny Time Square telling him that now he can say he saw Time Square if only for a second. We walked in the other direction up the 10th Ave then crossed to 48th street and while walking down 48th showing little Kenny all the sites we came upon two Mounted Policeman, I pointed them out to little Kenny and one of the Policeman crossed the street to come close to little Kenny then waved at him and he waved back at the Policeman. Right after that we saw the ships straight across the West side highway.
Access was free, but we did have to go through metal detectors they weren’t as sensitive as the ones at the Airports so you could walk through with your belt on. There were two soldiers with M-16’s as if terrorist are going to attack through their front gates, I wonder if their M-16’s are even loaded or were just for show. One was a female soldier, I think they impressed little Kenny anyway. One of the ships appeared to be a Coast Guard Ship and the other (I forget the names) a Helicopter carrier so we decided to go for the Helicopter Carrier and the lines were not bad a all, when we went to Fleet week a few years ago there were line was long just to get on the pier to get on the JFK that is what I was afraid of, but the crowds were small in comparison. The ship was not that big and they tried to crowd a lot of weapon systems into a small area and that made for a bit of a crowd. Little Kenny want to go on anything that had guns on it. One had a bit of a line because they were only letting a couple of kids at a time on the Vehicle which had two machine guns on it. So we told him to sit in a Hummer type Vehicle with an electronic Machine Gun on it. Then he got upon a Tank and even got into it. I don’t think he has any pro-war toys, but I am sure he at least seen them on TV and some of his friend might have them so I am sure they impressed him. After that we went up on to the flight deck to see the Helicopters. Little Kenny’s Mom brought him through one and his Dad brought him through another. He also liked the view of the city from the flight deck.
Then we left the flight deck and the ship, on the pier we came on some booths and one had what they called the US Navy Seal challenge that is if a kid could do six pull ups or fifty push ups they would win a recruiting poster. Little Kenny wanted to do the pull ups, he did them and got his poster.
Then we walked back up 48th Street looking for someplace to eat lunch as little Kenny kept reminding us that he was hungry. We found a place called Social’s a Bar and Grill with specials of $7.95 each and it was empty so we sat in a back booth. Little Kenny’s Uncle Mike took him to the lavatory for of course he had to go. The men ordered Heineken beers and Josephine and little Kenny had sodas while we played I spied with my little eye with little Kenny on until the food was served. Josephine gave little Kenny half of her Hamburger of which he ate very little. After lunch we decided to go the New York Museum of Natural History to show little Kenny the Dinosaurs.
I had thought that the number 1 or 2 train went to the Natural History Museum which I knew was on Central Park West somewhere in the 80’s. So at the 50th street station we took the number 1 train uptown and got off at 86th Street station because I knew the museum was somewhere in the 80’s when we got out on 86th street I looked up and down and thought I saw more tree in one direction than the other looking for Central Park so we started walking and of course we were walking in the wrong direction again I asked a passer by in which direction was Central Park West and he pointed to the direction we just came from saying it was about four blocks. So we started walking the other way and sure enough we did get to Central Park West, but I wasn’t sure if the museum was above or lower than 86th street so I asked a doorman that was nearby and he said it was on 81st street and when we walked down to 81st street there it was with painted horses in front of it. After taken some more pictures of little Kenny we followed a crazy dressed lady in.
The first thing we saw when we went in was some dinosaurs on display in the lobby. We went up to buy tickets and the casher said the “suggested donation” was 54 dollars do you want to pay that, well Mike wanted to say no I’ll pay a lower amount, but of course we paid the “suggested” amount and we know they need to make money to keep the museum going. We then went in to the room with the stuffed elephants in the middle of the room and displays of stuffed animals that I think are the same ones that were there when I was little Kenny’s age some sixty years ago when my parents brought me to the New York Museum of Natural History.
Little Kenny seemed very interested in the displays looking at each one and asking questions. We wanted to find an elevator and after a little bit of looking we found one and took it to the fourth floor where the big dinosaur display was. When we got there he looked at all the displays and a short movie on how animals evolved. He seemed to like the museum which encourages us to bring him to more museums in the future.
We decided it was time to go home and we went down to the Subway Station that connects to the museum and found a notice saying that the C train was not running this weekend and everyone had to use the A train which we did and it was crowd for the only time during the trip we had to stand, but we got to Penn Station and guess what getting off the subway we first went in the wrong direction.
We got the 4:12 train to Patchogue and little Kenny fell asleep before we got to Babylon where we had to change from our electric train to a diesel train to Patchogue. Little Kenny was very good and I am sure this was only his first trip to the city.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Cluster Bombs
Three young Cambodian boys were playing near their village when they found four small steel
objects that they picked up and used to play an impromptu game of marbles. Their newfound
toys, however, were actually "bomblets" left from a cluster bomb that had been dropped years
before. In the middle of their game, one of the balls was struck by another, triggering an
explosion. One boy died from massive abdominal wounds. The other two boys survived with
serious injuries.
A cluster bomb consists of a canister designed to open in midair
and disperse smaller
submunitions – bomblets that
can kill all living creatures within an area as large as several
football fields. Though designed to explode on impact, many bomblets initially fail to detonate,
leaving behind large numbers of hazardous explosive “duds” that are de facto landmines,
injuring and killing civilians and contaminating the land long after conflicts.
This April is the 33 rd anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, yet millions of unexploded
cluster bomblets litter the countries of Southeast Asia the
deadly garbage left from U.S.
bombing campaigns in the 1960s and 1970s. In Laos alone, more than 11,000 civilians, many of
whom were not born when the bombs were dropped, have been killed or injured by these cluster
bomblets. Stories like the one above are all too common in wartorn
areas countries
affected by
cluster bombs include:
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Russia (Chechnya)
Saudi Arabia
Serbia (including Kosovo)
Sierra Leone
Western Sahara
Cluster bomblet duds are killing and maiming civilians and US troops in Iraq; Lynn Bradach, the
mother of a U.S. marine who was killed in Iraq by a U.S. cluster bomb, has asked Congress to
honor the memory of her son by passing a ban on the weapon that killed him
Like landmines, cluster bomblets must be located and destroyed one by one, a dangerous, costly,
and timeconsuming
process they
have proven to be a serious and longlasting
threat to
civilians, soldiers, peacekeepers, and clearance experts.
Lancer releasing cluster bombs
The United States has the largest stockpile of cluster munitions in the world and is a major user,
exporter, and producer of the weapon. The U.S. has a stockpile of about 5.5 million cluster
bombs that’s
728 million bomblets Aerojet, Alliant TechSystems, General Dynamics, L3
Communications, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and Textron Defense
Systems are all associated with the production of cluster bombs
Cluster bomblet.
The Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act (Senate Bill 594, House Bill 1755) is a step
towards mitigating the death and destruction caused by cluster bombs, one step towards ending
the horror of war. This legislation would:
(a) Immediately prohibit the use of cluster bombs in or near populated or urban areas.
(b) Require governments using U.S.made
cluster bombs to quickly clean up unexploded
(c) Prohibit the use, sale, and transfer of U.S. made cluster bombs containing bomblets
with a failure rate of more than one percent; as nearly all cluster bombs in the US arsenal
have a failure rate of more than one percent, this would essentially ban the use and sale of
cluster bombs.
Below are members of Congress who are considered potential ‘swing’ votes in supporting the
Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act. As veterans for peace we draw on our own personal
experiences to raise awareness of the true costs and consequences of war. We must raise our
voices and tell these members of Congress to support the Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection
Senator Norm Coleman—MN
Senator Chuck Hagel*—NE
Senator George Voinovich—OH
Senator Gordon Smith—OR
Senator Arlen Specter—PA
Senator Susan Collins ME
Representative Jeff Flake—AZ
Representative Chris Shays—CT
Representative Jim Saxton—NJ
Representative Chris SmithNJ
Representative James Walsh—NY
Representative Walter Jones—NC
Representative Ralph Regula*—OH
Representative Steven LaTourette—OH
Representative Phil EnglishPA
Representative Joe Pitts*PA
Representative Ron Paul*TX
Offices, phone numbers, & email addresses can be found at and
The Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act is a step towards the US joining the more
than eighty countries which support a treaty banning cluster bombs. The Cluster
Munitions Civilian Protection Act is a step towards ending one horror of war, one step
towards peace.
Cluster bomb victim
Human Rights Watch
US Campaign to Ban Landmines
Friends Committee on National Legislation
compiled by Mike Felker, VFP Chap. 31 member, who served as a hospital
corpsman with the 1 st Marine Division in Vietnam in 1970 and cared for the victims of
landmines and other weapons,
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Spitzer, Paterson and oh yeah the election
"I did not live up to what was expected of me"
A prominent politician, especially one known for a certain righteousness, is alleged to be a customer of high-priced call girls.
As Spitzer resigns, David Paterson becomes New York's governor and a pioneer. But can he end the state's gridlock?
Reverend Wright an Obama supporter said:
"Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single parent home. Barack was," Wright says in a video of the sermon posted on YouTube. "Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people. Hillary! Hillary ain't never been called a 'nigger!' Hillary has never had her people defined as a non-person."
Ferraro stirred controversy with her recent remarks that Obama's campaign was successful because he was black.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Castro Retires and Obama wins the Cheese and Pineapple states
Obama may change things in Cuba, but McCain will blow another chance to
improve things for the Cubian people
Friday, February 15, 2008
Looks like Obama vs McCain
McCain = spent taxpayer's money on other countries.
Obama = spent taxpayer's money on America.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Presidental Election as of 30 Jan 2008
Obama wins South Carolina
Hillary and McCain win Florida
Edwards drops out
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
What is a debate anyway?
Hillary and Barack point out each other’s weakness and try to put fourth their strong points, now I am just a common old working man, but isn’t that what debates are all about?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Nevada and the Republican South Carolina Primaries
McCain wins South Carolina and Mitt Romney picks up Nevada for the Republicans
Hillary Clinton wins in Nevada, but race with Barack Obama is still close for the Democrats.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Michigan Vote of Jan 15 2008
Michigan Vote:
Mitt Romney 40%
John McCain 30%
Mike Huckabee 16%
Ron Paul 6%
Frederick Thompson 4%
Rudy Giuliani 3%
Hillary Clinton 55%
Dennis Kucinich 4%
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Hillary and Meet the Press
Hillary was on Meet the Press with Tim Russert plowing over very old ground, it was more Histroy than News.