Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush "they just don't listen"

Bush’s News Conference

George W said people are not listening to him, but the real trouble is that he or anyone else in his gang is listening to themselves. When George W was asked about why America got into the Iraq War he said that first was the Weapons of Mass Destruction which we found out that he didn’t have any, but he thought in would be nice to have some. Bush being a religious man and thinking about sinning is just the same as doing it. Then came the classic Bush he said after all we have to remember the attack on the World Trade Center that killed 3,000 then the reporter ask what Saddam Hussein had to do with 9/11? Bush answered nothing! No one ever said they did which of course he just did and has done many time in the past three years as well as his VP as done also. So it seems that they don’t listen to themselves.

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