Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rambling on about Religion and Politics and so on

The views expressed in this blog are mine, which are contently under review, subject to change if some buddy has a better idea I listen. When you read the Bible did you ever wonder why Jesus didn’t write a Gospel? We have to read Mark, Matthew, Luke and John all written with a little different version of the same story about his message. Maybe Jesus wanted us to search out and learn how God created the world rather than telling him. If we read the Bible horizontally rather than vertically we see the differences and must use our own reasoning to understand Jesus’ message. Jesus’ message is or should the heart of the Christian religion. (not the Old Testament or Saint Paul) Jesus’ message to me is that we should all work to make sure that everyone in our society is provided with their basic needs, that everyone in society is equal. Just saying his name no matter how many times is not enough, reading his words, but not thinking about what they mean is not enough. I hope when people say they are living with Jesus that is what they mean. When the communist took over Russia I wonder why they turned against religion Carl Marx’s message is very much in sync with the message of Jesus, but a guess it was more about power and who has the ears of the Russian people mattered more. What I hear and read about Carl Marx is that he wanted to build on capitalism not replace it and some countries have done that successfully. It shouldn’t take a tragedy Like New Orleans or Haiti for us to realize the need of others, but we can’t change the past and we can only hope for a better tomorrow, but we can change the present which is not always easy. If we do away with sweatshops we will have to pay more at Wal-Mart. Now are we willing to do that and lower a own standard of living to raise another person’s standard so can feed and educate their children. I heard a story of a woman in Bangladesh that formed a union to raise the workers pay at the Shirt factory (Sweatshop) where she worked from a penny a shirt to two pennies a shirt so that they could give their children meat with their rice, but Wal-Mart who was the one buying the shirts said no and in fact would cut their pay to penny for two shirts or they would find another country willing to make the shirts for less. The people at Wal-Mart are not bad people to them it is just business “the bottom Line” they are doing what their customers want. So praying, going to church every Sunday is the easy part, living as a Christian is the hard part. Politicians don’t make that easy either they tell the people what they want to hear which is changed by the Media just to make it even more confusing.
I know some people will get offended by this blog so I am not going to put it on Facebook , just on my blog page and for in doing Genealogy I came to realize that I don’t know how these people thought and maybe if anyone in the future wondered that about me well here it is.

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