Saturday, November 01, 2008

Invest in America.

Invest in America.

Where should the hard earn tax money of the Working Class (or if you prefer Middle Class)? Some say just give it back to the tax payer as a Stimulus package, which did not work back in May, so even if we do like getting money in the mail it is a bad idea. Some say to use it to buy more war machinery to kill people that don’t think or look like us, another bad idea. A better idea is to invest it in rebuilding the Electrical Grid of our nation then we can have Mass transit running on electric power, Training people on how to install solar panels with people getting tax breaks for installing them like Germany has been doing for years. Installing more windmills and hydroelectric power all bring high paying jobs that can’t be shipped overseas. Building Electric cars that will replace Gas driven car completely. Improve our education system by studying what makes other countries education systems better than ours for our children are our future we should give them a New Deal.

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