Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

You often hear people say as a put down to those people that are offended by The Da Vinci Code that it is only Fiction, but the fact that a book is listed as Fiction does not mean that it is all Fiction or for that matter that Non-Fiction is all true. The basic idea of the book and the movie is in the line “if Jesus was not the son of God, but a great man would that change your faith?” I have always thought that being a Christian is more than just saying his name over and over, saying you accept him as your saver, but living by his word to help all people around the world live a better life and forgiving them for their sins against you. I think a true Christian should want to know as much as they can about him in and outside the Bible. If new ideas shake your faith maybe you never really had it to begin with.

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